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Come on guys .. don't be disheartened .......


This is just for morale ... my highest score yet :)




Thanks so much eevee! :) Congratulations on your team's almost sweep :3 You guys have a really good shot at the cup!


In other news, I JUST GOT TO RANK 2 :D *happiness I just figured it out.. it takes me one day to get to Rank 1, two days to get to Rank 2, so I guess I'll be waiting for another 3 days :3


EDIT: Terror Mountain is supposedly going all out on slushie slinger and make some noise. Not sure if we should try to top them on that, or just concentrate on the other games... Hmm...


Thanks Jackie and congrats on beating us fair and square :)


I just got Level 6


Yeah... we can most likely pull off a win in SLSL, although since TM is going all out on them... I'll play some SLSL. Why not?

MSN... we can deal with a single loss. If we can get good scores in the rest MSN won't matter too much.


We beat Terror Mountain in Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise :D :D

Posted (edited)

Awesome results today guys! :) I'm reaching Rank 4 in a bit! School's just a bother. xD


EDIT: Just reached Rank 4! :) My stats:



Goals Scored 1,026

Goals by Mirsha Grelinek 732

Goals by Timu 101

Goals by Antola Maeir 89

Goals by Larcy Phu 104

Saves by Xana DiLanche 145

Number of Wins 99

Number of Draws 0

Number of Losses 0

Slushie Slinger Games Played 5 Top Score 668

Make Some Noise Games Played 5 Top Score 6,477

Shootout Showdown Games Played 388 Top Score 1,200

Edited by jonathanjoseph99

congrats to us for beating TM yesterday smiley.gif


so I think the best way to beat RI is to have Timu bat her eyelashes at Squeaky ... he'll go all Pepe Le Pew and Mirsha can steal the ball and score smiley.gif


YES! OUR FIRST GOOD RESULTS!!! :D Let's hope we can do the same against RI. We need it.


I most definitely approve of Angelo's strategy xDD


I'm currently addicted to YYB and SoSd :3 Soo... but I'll try to get some of those MSN and SlSl in D:


YAY! Congrats everyone on a successful day yesterday! My internet is soooo slooooooow today and YYB won't load... Hopefully I can get the other games to load! Good Luck everyone!


FINALLY AT RANK 4!! Now i can sleep peacefully. I've been weirdly busy for no apparent reason, so i haven't been able to go on Neopets a lot. Let's PWN Roo Island! :D


we should be winning YYB games .. we're good with YYB !! 2 losses and 2 draws .. mmmmmm .. at least the final result is in our favor


we have a chance to beat HW in YYB today .. it's the Bonus game ... so I'm starting early :D




I got an 11-1 as well but I like to display my shut-outs :)




:happydance: Actually GOOD results for once!! :D Yeah, I just played like 5 games of YYB in a row. And I'mma keep going! >:3


it's confusing really .. Meridell are also ranked up in their bracket although they lost the first two days ... I guess we won't know for the time being

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