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The only things is I wouldn't put a poor little pet like this in the Pound, I'd send him/her to the Neopian Nursing Home. Darn it! That doesn't even exsist!



This Cybunny says: "The old Grey hare ain't what he used to be...."


DISCLAIMER: Naamah is 100% against pounding pets :laughingsmiley:


I only have one complaint about this: Why did they only release one pet to start? Normally they do at least two pets at a time. It's like they used the two genders to get away with only doing one pet. Shame, TNT, shame. I would have loved to see how they played up the differences in each pet species as it aged. Will all elderly females have knitting, or will some have a crochet hook? a pan of cookies? Will all the elderly males have little beards? Will they all have glasses?

I have questions, TNT!


I'm kind of hoping that it'll end up in the Hidden Tower. I hate how expensive the new paint brushes are - 20+mill? It's just ridiculous.


THIS! It's a shame that the desired colours are so monstrously expensive. Hopefully Queen Fyora will put it in her Tower. I understand not putting Wraith in there (I am soooo soooo wondering what Xweetok Wraith will look like!) but brushes like Woodland (Illusen'ish?) and Elderly? C'mon Fyora!


THIS! It's a shame that the desired colours are so monstrously expensive. Hopefully Queen Fyora will put it in her Tower. I understand not putting Wraith in there (I am soooo soooo wondering what Xweetok Wraith will look like!) but brushes like Woodland (Illusen'ish?) and Elderly? C'mon Fyora!

Well, Fyora did put Darigan into her tower- why not Wraith? :P


Sort of seems unfair to the eldery...knitting? A cane? How...stereotypical.


Either way, I think it's a good idea. They made babies, why not the elderly, too? Makes sense. I love the detail they put into it, although, I have a gripe about the female's eyes : why do they have to be perfect and not worn out like the males? It's that gender specific thing TNT just can't seem to loose. So, evidently, woman don't get worn out eyes?


I kind of new about this new brush because someone on the AC was complaining; apparently, they won this new brush like two weeks ago from the alien vending machine but the item hadn't been released yet. So it kind of spoiled the surprise for me. xD

I'm not sure this look is for me just yet, but I need to see which new species they release and perhaps my mind will alter. I like how they were able to keep the character models so that the elderly can be customized unlike their baby counterparts.


Sort of seems unfair to the eldery...knitting? A cane? How...stereotypical.


Either way, I think it's a good idea. They made babies, why not the elderly, too? Makes sense. I love the detail they put into it, although, I have a gripe about the female's eyes : why do they have to be perfect and not worn out like the males? It's that gender specific thing TNT just can't seem to loose. So, evidently, woman don't get worn out eyes?


Well, actually, in the original post the female had the worn out eyes. It's only the enlarged image that has the wider eyes?


:O Woah, whut a interesting color brush!

(Ahh Why cant they make a Bride/Wedding colored brush? that would be pretty! But we have princess.. so i guess thats close :( )


I wonder if the Moehog will get this as a new color also? Since its day is comeing up :O probably not but im curious on the design of other pets XD


I like the idea of an Elderly Paint Brush especially if it is really named Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush but they could have picked a better Neopet then an Ogrin :/


You have got to be kidding me. I mean, sure, I've seen some Neopians with the idea of that colour but.......


Well, it could be a nice opposite to Baby. This has got to be this SILLIEST colour Neo has come up with. :P


Maybe it'll take time for the colour to grow on me. Can't like everything from the start, after all.


I think this colour is fantastic. The art is wonderfully detailed; I love the colours -- soft, but still vivid. The clothes seem rather versatile, too, in that I imagine they'd work for a variety of customisations, not just for this colour. I do hope that this standard of art is maintained in future offerings for this colour, and that TNT comes up with an assortment of themes rather than sticking to walking sticks for males and balls of yarn for females all the time. Odd, though, how the female Ogrin's eyes in the larger version aren't the same as they are in the picture presented in the news -- I like that shade of teal.




If it were April 1st I'd accuse them of making this an April Fools day joke.

Elderly?? Really??


All the amazing colors you could do and you go with elderly???? O____o


It's not a colour I would have picked or particularly like, and if it had been released 1st April I would have thought it was a joke... but they have put a lot of detail into it, and I like that it's another gender specific brush.


Maybe I'll take to another species more. Then again, a lot of the colours people go crazy for don't do anything for me. I'm sort of just glad to see a new colour at all, even if it's not one I'd ever get - it gives me hope they'll work on other brushes I might like one day. :)


I knew the elderly paintbrush would be released sometime soon after that big kerfuffle about the player who won one from the vending machine and never received it. I don't think I'll be using it on any of my pets but we'll see how it looks on other species!


Welcome to Geriatric Hospital formerly known as Neopets.com


I have nothing to say , really , cuz I forgot my teeth back in my room ...


hahahah! omg i think that "colour" is hilarious. the ogrins go perfectly, especially with the matching clothes


I'd really love to see those guys without their PB clothes. They look like they'd be fun to customize, even though my first thought was totally, "What the heck?!"


Ooooo, this looks like it has potential of being a pretty nice paint brush. Ogrin doesn't look bad in it at all, I'm quite tempted to paint Zyladrin it to make him more like a guy who's seen hardships amongst the frozen wasteland, like I have him envisioned. However no doubt that this brush is gonna be expensive, and considering I'm still saving up for many other brushes that are expensive, most notably Eventide though hopefully it deflates by the time I get 30 mil. I can see the Elderly brush being a good 15 mil or so, or around whatever price Swamp Gas is, since right now it doesn't seem to insanely popular, but no doubt it's still gonna have a hefty price tag.


I don't quite get why everyone is so up in arms about this color though. Sure, it would have been nice if they had put more focus on colors they already have, like Wraith, Woodland, Water, Relic, and Swamp Gas, but it never hurts to have a new color. And honestly I doubt this color is gonna get top priority in terms of colors anyway, I have a feeling it's gonna end up like Swamp Gas; unpopular and pretty much forgotten until there's no other color options left for the other pets.


Remember what I said about trying to get an Elderly zap? Here's what I got from the guys at the Lost and Pound's Facebook Page, and they confirmed that you can get the colour via the Lab Ray.


For those wondering, yes it is zappable, the first one on the PC today was a very very lucky lab zap :) I expect it will also be FFQable, but I don't know that yet for sure. Of course it's expensive now, EVERYTHING PB or not is expensive when it's first released. It takes time, but they do deflate eventually, particularly when they're zappable and FFQable :)


This is good news to me. If you're aiming for an Elderly zap, here's wishing the best of luck to all of you Lab Ray users! :)


I think it's a lovely idea, especially since we've had the Baby PB for ages. It's got loads of details and gives more actual depth to a Neopet, character-wise I mean. You can come up with various stories for your pet, and customising them will probably be fun. Now I can hardly wait to paint my Tuskaninny Elderly and pretend he's an almighty, ancient wizard!


Those Ogrins look cute, but I think ALL the species will be cute/quirky/interesting in this colour. I don't get why some people think it should be a prank or that it's the worst/silliest colour for TNT to come up with... I mean, in my opinion, the Eventide PB is as ugly and stupid as can be and makes no sense at all, but, oh well. I guess that's how different tastes work. :)


Just confirming that Elderly is FFQable (in case someone wants one badly enough!) :)


Thanks for letting me know. This is very helpful for anyone who has a completed FFQ and saving it for a certain species that they would like to see become Elderly someday.

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