Nellethiel Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Obligatory Disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved. If information without comment is what you’d like, check out our game guide for the day’s game or just the summary here! Good evening ladies and germs, and welcome, for the last time, to The Daily Neopets' totally epic coverage of Neopets' Daily Dare 2012 event! *throws confetti* Once again, I'm here on Roo Island, where the bugs are finally beginning to recede, thanks to a helpful 'Roo or two. The count is down to around fifty thousand; while still a bit uncomfortable, it's a far cry from the millions that were swarming earlier this week. It looks like the sales of various forms of bug repellent will be declining to normal levels in the coming weeks. However, one certainly wonders; are the bugs really gone for good? This reporter CERTAINLY hopes so. *shudder* Anyway... our final challenge is Faerie Bubbles! That's right, across every corner of Neopia one can hear the popping of bubbles and smell the aroma of panic as the games draw to a close. (Yes, yes, I know Neopia doesn't have corners. And I know you can't smell panic. It's called figurative language, okay?) Don't forget, folks, not only do you have one day to beat AAA (with 976 points) or Abi (with 304), this is the last day to beat ALL of the challenges! So if there's any games you procrastinated on, now is your LAST CHANCE to catch up! Don't be caught without that (hopefully) stylish gold trophy gracing your lookup this year. On behalf of the entire TDN crew, I would like to thank you for your support and readership during this event, wish you luck on your final day of gaming, and encourage you to keep turning to TDN for the best Neopets coverage anywhere. This is Brooke, signing off. Lydia Trebond, Emily and hrtbrk 3
Tedhaun Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Final Dare had to be challenging one. Lucky it wasn't Dar-Blat!, or I'd be in a sticky situation. Took me some usage of the Slumberberry, Bubbles, and Stardust codes, and aced the last dare. Aristotle A. Avinroo is now Aristotle A. Avin-ruined to me. All 18 out of 18 dares aced... and thanks for posting that final blog entry Brooke. :D Emily 1
Emily Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Anyone else find the challenges rather easy this year?
Batman Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Anyone else find the challenges rather easy this year? Yeah sort of upsetting that only a few took multiple attempts. Most I got on the first try like this one.
Lady Lyuba Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 YES!!!!!!!!!!! The last game is one that I hoped for. After all, it isn't Daily Dare without Faerie Bubbles! And it looks like I'll be able to beat AAA too!
Ruka Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Faerie Bubbles was rather simple. Beat AAA within less than 15 minutes or so. :P Final Dare already? ...that sucks. :P
Jessicar Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 I'm sad to see the end of Daily Dare 2012 but... 18/18 AAA! Gold trophy at last :D
Emily Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Yay! No more 3 am updates! *twitch* Won't miss that! almost Neggstravaganza time.. :D
Angeló Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 I beat AAA on the last day :O I just came back home and saw the score .. I was like ....... mmmmmmmm ok let's try .. my HS was 1006 so ... !!! I had to use all the codes but I did it and I broke my own record too :D not by much but I got 1,095 :) which is awesome since I hate this game :) still a long way from the avatar score but still :) Happy End Of DD everyone ;) I'm quite content with my Silver trophy :)
iGotNoiPad16 Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 I am not really good at this game so I had a hard time to even beat Abigal's score.
Sakabato Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Faerie Bubbles? Not bad. I also remembering beating AAA at this last year.
Jessicar Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Yay! No more 3 am updates! *twitch* Won't miss that! almost Neggstravaganza time.. :D 3am? Wow, that must be awful! The date changes at 6pm local time for me. This is really good during the Daily Dare because I usually cannot even start the dare until after the cut-off time because of dinner :D I am just devastated that my score on Faerie Bubbles was 1,436, just short of the avvie :(
SyrenSkywolf Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 I was kind of disappointed that they had to have such an easy dare for the final day. Of course, "easy" is all in the eye of who is playing. A lot of people said the games this past week were "easy" and I had trouble matching AAA on them, on of them coming down to the last 30 seconds of the day!
Sakabato Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 And I definitely agree with the Air Bubbles award, lol.
muppetelle Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 I'm sooooooooooooo happy *does meepit dance* I came here to see what game it was, and for some reason (think I was half asleep) I thought it was Faerie Cloud Racers (which I'm dreadful at) when I realised it was faerie bubbles I was sooooooooo chuffed! Well I'm all done, only 3 AAA wins and all the rest Abigail, but that's more due to laziness/lack of time than ability, and if there's been a wearable for AAA's I've just bought it, so I should have a silver trophy winging it's way to me any day now! Yay yay, I'd like to say a really big thank you to TDN for doing these great updates, and to all of you for the chats, hints and encouragement - you rock <3 xx :) xx
Mouseykins Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 I still have 4 challenges left to do and I think they're all going to be Abigail. I'll be quite happy with my silver trophy this year. :) Congrats everyone for all your hard work this year! :)
poisonouschicken Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Woohoo! Gold trophy for Daily Dare at last!
Xepha Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 18/18 AAA for me :) That makes me happy! Good luck to everyone who still has a couple games to finish!
Welcome Back Apathy Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 ...Well, this should be easy. I haven't done it yet, but 976? Not bad at all. My high score is over 2,300. What to do: Type "bubbles" to make all the bubbles the same. Cry if they are dark or earth. For once, APPLAUD if they are air. Then type "faerieland" to make them all disappear. Do this on some level where an entire line of bubbles is on the top line. Level 6 works out nicely. It will give you LOTS of extra points. Yay! EDIT: WHOOPS! I lied. Don't do it on level 6. If you get an air, that one pesky bubble will be in your way. Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 are all excellent candidates, although Level 1 and 2 go so fast that I would recommend them. You'll already get good bonuses from them.
Bubbleline Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Sad to see it end, but I did pretty well. Kou-jong and MJB annoyed me so much that I didn't try very hard on them otherwise I probably couldv'e had a gold trophy! :sad02: Oh well. Even though the challenges were easier this year, I still feel accomplished because on the games I actually tried on, I usually scored pretty high over AAA :D Silver trophy, come to mama!
LillytheGrundo Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Finally beat AAA on the first try! I LOVE this game! Just have to finish the team challenge and I will have completed my first Daily Dare Event ever. :-) I would also like the thank the TDN staff for making this event so much fun!!!
Spritzie Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 I was really happy to see this was today's game. Not really because I'm great at it (I'm still trying to get the avatar) but because I love Faerie/Faerie Bubbles items, so I was hoping to see it. I've been practicing for the avatar, so it only took a few tries to get AAA's score. I'm 18/18 AAA this year. :D
GuardianAwesome Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Well, I guess it's official. I'm the only one who sucks at this game. DX Oh well. It took a lot longer for me, but I got the AAA score. Now my AAA's and Abi's are tied.
passiflora Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 Phew. I was really hoping that today was something that wasn't too hard - it's the first Daily Dare I've ever fully participated in and I really wanted to see if I could go all AAA. :D My high score was just over 1000 (without cheats), so this wasn't bad. :)
MysteriousUser Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 I have faerie bubbles but today was okay. Woot! All AAA scores!!! Too bad Daily Dare is over. Even with all the hair-ripping inducing games, I liked it overall. Good challenge. The gold trophy should heal my scars. TBH I'm surprised I've made it. I never thought of most Neopets games as fun and dread playing some for NP, so I thought I would quit about half way. They sure know how to hook you.
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