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Diary — Useless or Useful?  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. So?

    • Useless
    • Useful
    • I wouldn't say USELESS, but *I* don't use it...
    • ....... whoa. Wait. What diary?

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I often forget it's even there, but it has always been a feature, or at least it has for the past ten-twelve years. The Neopets Diary, one of the little links on both the calendar page and the neofriends page, is something I often forget about, see, and go, 'OH YEAH. That.'


I think way back when I was twelve and affluent in one particular guild, I used it to mark guild events before guild mailers were a thing. But since then, I haven't really. I mean, I just recently started using the comment boxes on Neofriends. And the only thing I use it for now is reminding me who everyone is, because I'll friend basically anyone (I don't run NF only things, so nobody can you know, abuse me through that), and I need to keep up who is who.


But as for my diary...? I mean, the only thing I'd even use that for is reminding me when certain avatars are available. And I have all of the seasonal ones, except the Easter one. And I'm using a e-mail reminding service for that.


So the diary is useless for me, personally. Is it useless for you, too? If it's useful, how do you use it?

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It's a useless feature... but could have some potential if it was developed into a blog kind of thing... (I doubt they will ever do something cool with it though!)


I've clicked on the link a few times... but it was only by accident. I've never used it. Although, now that you've mentioned the seasonal avatars - I just might go put a few in.


Yes, I've noticed that feature since I had first started using Neo - at 12 years of age!


I've never clicked on it, nor have I ever tried or felt compelled to use it. Why would I need a diary on Neopets? Sure, I love Neopets, but I have screenshots to help me recall things! I don't blog, I used to have a livejournal, but I got pretty bored if it quickly.


It's probably useless or simply needs to be updated I believe.


It's a useless feature... but could have some potential if it was developed into a blog kind of thing... (I doubt they will ever do something cool with it though!)

A blog or even something that Neomails you during the events.

As it stands now, you'd actually have to think to look at your calendar to see your events.

Every day.

If you're thinking to look at the calendar that much, chances are you really don't need help remembering your events .

And your Neo-life is probably farrrrr too busy.


The only thing I've ever used it for was to keep track of pet lends. Before I qualified for TDN's Pet Lending I lent out my Fire Blumaroo in exchange for someone else's avatar pet. I used the diary to record when she was going out, to whom, and what avatar pet I'd be recieving. Also recorded when petpets were aged. Other than that I haven't used it since. I use the scheduler on my cell phone, where I actually get alerts, not like neopet's diary where it's so easy to forget about things you've put in there.


Until today I was not even aware that this feature existed... I've just had a look at it now, and I guess it could be useful if you've got a load of neo stuff to remember. I don't see myself using it at any time soon though. I don't really need reminders for av's as the neo sites I follow all keep me updated anyway!


The only thing I've ever used it for was to keep track of pet lends. Before I qualified for TDN's Pet Lending I lent out my Fire Blumaroo in exchange for someone else's avatar pet. I used the diary to record when she was going out, to whom, and what avatar pet I'd be recieving. Also recorded when petpets were aged. Other than that I haven't used it since. I use the scheduler on my cell phone, where I actually get alerts, not like neopet's diary where it's so easy to forget about things you've put in there.

Whoa, that is a good use for the diary! :D

Kudos, I wasn't expecting anyone to have one that was more extensive than checking for avatars and junk.

I mean, of course using your cellphone is a way better method since you get alerts and all, but I wasn't expecting anyone to have had a good use for the diary, ahaha.


I had absolutely no idea it existed lol :P I definitely wouldn't say it's useless, since it's like a digital calendar, but I didn't know it existed and probably won't be using it


we used that in my old guild for guild events / member birthdays


but personally i didn't know where to find it until now :D


I didn't know it was there either but I think I can use it now. I like to keep track of prices of things and it would be useful instead of a separate doc. Yay!


I remember seeing it when I first started, and I knew it was there... I just have no use for something that doesn't remind you. It's like the homework diaries my school gives us - great if you can be bothered, useless if you can't.


Hmmm...I think I used mine for guild stuff/avvie lending and general record keeping but then started taking screenies instead. For all its worth though, some neo stuff made its way into my actual diary!

  • 2 weeks later...

I used to use it to keep track of when I could get certain avatars. But over the year or so that I used it, it would occasionally reset itself so all I would get was a bunch of gibberish instead of notes. I would then have to figure out what those dates where for and re-add the notes. It was a pain to do that. I never use it anymore.

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