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Occasionally, I put items up on the trading post. I'm not much of a restocker or auction sniper or anything; I just somehow get items that are worth more than 100k, and so I put them on the trading post.


I put time and effort into ensuring that my wish list is understandable. I put exactly how much the price is for pure and specify that I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT GO LOWER. I then make a short list of acceptable items. I think, "The only way for this list to be misunderstood is by someone who doesn't speak English well!" Which, of course, there are many on the site--after all, the site has ten other languages. That's to be expected, and it's understandable.


So when the junk offers start rolling in...it gets irritating.


Tonight, I got a neomail from someone offering me only 3/4 what the price of the item was. He said that the lowest on the shop wiz was 1.3 mil; could I go 1.2 mil? Despite the fact that I had clearly requested NO LOWER than 1.6 mil, which was already 400k less than what everyone else was asking.


Dude. You clearly speak English. You clearly read the part that said "will not lower prices". If you'd just lowered it by a bit, I'd roll my eyes, but I find it downright disrespectful to ask me to chop off a quarter of the price. If someone else has it for 1.3 mil, then why haven't you already bought that one?


That's my pet peeve. When people act like your wish list doesn't even matter.


UPDATE: Then he said that he'd bought five for 1.2 mil, and it looked like the price was going to keep dropping. NOW it looks like he's just a scammer. Yeah, you'll succeed in buying a few for 1.2 mil once you convince people that someone else has it for way cheaper than what it's worth. But if you really thought it was going to keep dropping...why are you stockpiling them, hmm? Perhaps because you're scamming it into deflation, and once you're out of the picture, they'll be worth even more...? And if there is one up for 1.3 mil, I bet it's a side account of his, specifically put into place to drive down the prices. But if anyone actually offered, I bet he wouldn't accept.


Hmm. Tough situation. Possibly block neomails from non-neofriends when you're attempting to trade something for a specific value?!


I understand the frustration, but I guess people use the TP differently and there's no way to really tell who is willing to barter and who isn't by just reading their wishlist because I'm sure most of us have contacted sellers, regardless of their wishlist, and worked out a deal.


For me, if someone neomails me for a lower price than I asked for, I usually say yes providing it's reasonable and knock 5k off of what they offered just because they were nice and polite. *shrug*


Good luck selling your item! Hope you get what you're asking :D


Oh, that is frustrating. It sounds like they're trying to 'haggle' you into selling for a lower price by any means necessary, even if it's an attempt to scam you by harassing you so much about the item. There really isn't anything you can do about it, though — I tend to either ignore the offers so their Neopoints are tied up until they get the point and pull out their offer themselves.


And... how could he have seen it on the shop wiz for 1.2 mil...? Users can't sell anything in their shops for more than 99k, I thought...?

Unless you meant Trading Post, and now I just look like a jerk for nitpicking, haha.


OMG I AGREE! I have been trying to sell a few higher priced items lately and when people give me lowball offers i find it offensive, especially when I put in capital letters NO RESELLERS and they offer me 20,000 on a Faerie Ruki MP. Gahh!!


I'm sorry for that rage but it has been building for days.... :evil: :grrr: :devil: :axehead:


I always appreciate people like you, Karina, who specify the price or item that they would like in exchange for their item. I get very frustrated when I search for an item and most of the listed trades have 'none' for their wishlist. Then I start thinking, "Well, do I neomail everyone who doesn't have a price listed to ask them what they want? Or do I just choose the lowest listed price?" It makes it a lot easier to choose one person to neomail. I always neomail the person before bidding to ensure that they will accept my offer.


Sometimes I like to see what prices are on the trading post so that I know what I need to save up for. No prices listed is even more frustrating at those times, because I don't like pestering someone with a neomail when I know I probably don't have the np for their item yet.


I always appreciate people like you, Karina, who specify the price or item that they would like in exchange for their item. I get very frustrated when I search for an item and most of the listed trades have 'none' for their wishlist.


I think I read that you can't put anything in the wishlist if you're a certain age (someone will correct me if I'm wrong about that), in which case I can understand it even if it's frustrating. If that is the case it's even worse to me if someone just writes "try me" or similar, because they can clearly write something in the wishlist, they've just chosen not to. I don't ever want to offer too low and appear foolish, so I tend to skip over anyone that can't clearly tell me what they'd like.


You're right to stick to your guns, Karina! Someone will come along eventually offering what it's worth - like you say, you're already offering it lower than everyone else and it's a shame that you're being pestered about it. Best of luck to you, I hope you get a worthwhile buyer soon!


I always ask for discounts on the TP - I tell them I'm buying the items for my collection(s) ... or wearables for personal use ... but I don't say "it's priced this and that and you should sell it to me or else i'll burn your house down" ... most people are nice enough to discount for me ... if they, however, said they won't haggle, I won't bother them .. unless I really wanted the item then I'll pay full price ... I have sold some UB's myself .. and to be honest .. I never sold to a Reseller .. they annoy me to death ...


From a buyer's perspective .. my pet peeve is people who over-price stuff just because they can .. a while ago i wanted to buy a R101 HTS item and there was only one of it on the TP .. the seller had like 10 Trades with 10 UB items in each trade so obviously he was selling his SDB/Gallery .. he wanted 1.5 Mil for the item .. which was outrageous .. I told him he has the right to name the price but not the right to rip-off people ... a few days later the same item popped up on the TP by another user and I was able to get it for 300k ... and that person still has all his trades up and hasn't sold a single item yet ...


i get that all the time i've had people offer me half the worth of an item and act as if they are doing me a favour and i've also had some offer me a soggy old box for an item worth 700k+


Your post made me giggle. Because this is so true xD I'm a restocker, and I often RS UB gourmets. All and I mean ALL my trades have prices, clearly stating that the price is auto, and if they pay it they will get it. I also say don't NM me because I won't haggle nor will I respond, and I even spell it out for them - 200,000 not 200k because some people aren't very smart like that :P. I lower my price when I see it's necessary, but most of the time they are already priced to the lowest and are firm. Some of my trades will specifically say I'm willing to discuss the prices, especially to collectors or gourmet eaters.


People who lowball on the TP are ridiculous sometimes. I hate, hate dealing with resellers especially when you're already posting an offer to beat, and they go lower. I mean seriously, are you kidding me? Why would I go lower than what I can already get for it. It's infuriating! If it was your krawk TP they wanted, the person probably is one of those people trying to jack up the prices for it, or keep it at a certain price and wants to clear out the competition. I also hate those people :|


Eventually though, you learn to ignore those people. And block junk offers (so they can't offer on your trades!) TP people are ravenous :P Anyway, good luck selling your item. You might even try the auctions if you're wanting to avoid those people :)


If I don't like an offer I'll just ignore it I have to admit. Can't be bothered with the hassle.


I agree with you all! I never offer on lots that don't list a wish list. Neopian culture dictates that space is for writing the price of the item, so if there is no price listed, then they don't get my neopoints. I don't neomail sellers unless their wishlist says "neomail to offer" or "willing to haggle" or something of the sort.


Like you, I've been the seller who won't haggle and gets ridiculously low offers. It is annoying. If they say they have another seller for lower than my price, I definitely tell them to buy from that seller instead.


I like the ignoring strategy, but I usually don't do it. I typically reply in a similar fashion to how they asked. For example, if someone neomails me saying, "Would you please consider an offer of x NP? Your item is on my dream wish list and I've been saving for so long!" then I will say no and give a short explanation. But if someone neomails me with only the number of neopoints or only the items they are offering and a question mark, then I usually respond with a simple, "No thank you." If they couldn't take the time to make the neomail sound like they are talking to another person, then I can't be bothered to do the same.


And... how could he have seen it on the shop wiz for 1.2 mil...? Users can't sell anything in their shops for more than 99k, I thought...?

Unless you meant Trading Post, and now I just look like a jerk for nitpicking, haha.


No, you're right, I DID mean Trading Post, and you don't look like a jerk for nitpicking. It was after 1:00 AM my time when I posted, so I wasn't thinking clearly. Good catch! You should be in cahoots with Encyclopedia Brown.


This is one of the worst things about the TP - the reseller offers. People who think they're doing you a favour by offering 2/3 or 3/4 of what something is actually worth so they can sell it on at a profit. Ugh. If I wanted 140k for the item, I would have priced it at that.


No, you're right, I DID mean Trading Post, and you don't look like a jerk for nitpicking. It was after 1:00 AM my time when I posted, so I wasn't thinking clearly. Good catch! You should be in cahoots with Encyclopedia Brown.

Ha, same for me. D: Except that I'm actually at my best that late at night. It's in the afternoon that I don't think so clearly.


But seriously, it seems to me that it would have just been easier to offer on one of the lots that was at 1.2 mil, if he wasn't just pulling your chain... which he pretty definately was. Resellers are the worst when it comes to trying to get you to lower the price. I can see some people putting up lower offers as a passive aggressive attempt to get you to sell for less, maybe if you were in a hurry, but other than that it's really annoying.


I always appreciate people like you, Karina, who specify the price or item that they would like in exchange for their item. I get very frustrated when I search for an item and most of the listed trades have 'none' for their wishlist.


I agree. Nothing is more frustrating to someone looking to "buy" an item than no information being listed. Then when you mail them with inquiries they send you back a nasty mail that they accept offers not questions.


I understand too from posting on the TP that people will harass you wanting lower prices. That is frustrating as well.


In general there should be respect on the buyers end and the sellers end. Manners should prevail.


Another TP pet peeve... people who just write "what it's worth" in their wishlists. i mean i could easily go check on jellyneo, but its in THEIR interest to do so. would it kill you to give me tenny weeny clue as to what you want???


It definitely bothers me as well- I clearly put how much NPS or what items I want on my wishlist, so it shouldn't be that hard to comply! Every once in a while I luck out though and get a good trade :)

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