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Do you have any pets that are generally unpopular?


Well, first of all, I have a Kyrii. I picked one because I loved the mage outfit they had, and then the species just kinda grew on me. From what I hear, though, people haven't really taken to the converted Kyrii's expression. Honestly, I don't really see it as mean-looking... more sneaky/mischievous.


I also have a Scorchio. I don't think people really hate Scorchios, but they don't really like them either. I think mine is adorable. He looks so friendly and huggable.


I have two converted Faerie pets: a Pteri and a Xwee. I've heard SO MUCH about how the colors were "ruined" after the conversion, and not even worth getting anymore. I honestly don't see what the big deal is. They don't have the unique poses like they used to, but honestly, I think they're still really beautiful. I know a lot of people have converted Faerie Xwees/Pteris anyway, but they still do get put down a lot.


To clarify, I didn't go out of my way to pick unpopular pets just to be different or special, I just fell in love with them when I saw them.


Yay! Your pets are all very nice and it's great to see species who may not be as popular get some love!


Similar to your situation, I have a side account for "Big is Beautiful" pets, where I've adopted female pets who stereotypically aren't seen as beautiful or cute, and showcased their beauty (cheesy, I know)


I have a Grarrl, Skeith and Elephante. Other unpopular pets I own are Buzz, Ruki and Hissi!


It's annoying when people say these more "masculine" pets cannot be "pretty" or customize as nice as an Acara or Draik but they really can be!


I've got a red Moehog names Sabretoooth1 and I just adore him!!! I've had him for about 10 years I's day - my mum made him for me when I was just little and begining to play neopets and he's been with me ever since! I don't think Moehog's are a very sought after species, but I wouldn't trade mine for the world! He is just such a happy little guy!


I also more recently adopted a Gnorbu from the pound cause I think they are completly adorable! His name is xscrape and I painted him Speckled with a brush I won from KQ! Again, a pretty under rated species that you don't really hear a lot about, but I love him just the same!


Having said that, I really don't care for Krawks or Draiks at all! They do nothing for me at all! Give me my Moehog, Gnorbu and 2 Blumaroo's any day!!


EDIT: Hrtbrk, your Grarrl is beautiful!! I love her!


I just got my Faerie Xwee and I think he is awesome! And although I don't have one I have a special place in my heart for Grarrls. I also can't stand Draiks or Krawks! I just don't know what the big deal is...


I also am a big fan of Gnorbus and Scorchios, and Ogrins as well.


EDIT: Oh yeah duh, I have a Shadow Ruki that I love! She is the Headmistress of the Altador Training School for Girls.


I have a Moehog... I don't think they are super popular, but I still like mine, a lot :P

I also have a Ruki and a Koi.


I have a Pirate Ixi and I don't see them often ... but I don't know if they're popular or not ...


My moehog is the first pet I ever had along with 2 other moehogs plus a yurble all of which you don't see all that many of now. Most of my original pets have been changed by lab ray but the original moehog does not get zapped It is red from the only time I did zap it so will buy a paint brush and get it back to a respectable colour again


I love blumaroos! Unfortunately they have sort of lost their "bounce" since the conversion but they'll always have a special place in my heart :3 I still have one unconverted, and one converted but I love them both the same. I love their strangely round tummies and floppy ears!


I like the Kyriis. I hadn't known that they weren't that popular.


I have two converted Faerie pets: a Pteri and a Xwee.


See, here's the thing: I'm in an agreement regarding the UC Faerie Pteri versus the Converted; HOWEVER, I'm actually contemplating painting FriePie to Faerie one day. I still really like the converted Faerie; it's generally the same colouring and everything, just pretty much the Faerie Pteri sitting in a different post. People forget that BEFORE Faerie pets had those awesome poses, they were more like the converted ones! They were just generalized forms with Faerie Wings on them!


th_old.gif<-THIS was what a Faerie Lupe looked like before TNT got all fancy. Like the converted, they merely had wings put on to their general forms.


Hrtbrk, LOVED what you did with your pets! AWESOME. ^^ I have a Lenny, but I love Lennies, they look much better than before: th_lenny_blue_baby.gif


Moehogs are kind of cute! ^^ But not in the "I want one" category for me.


What?! Arent Scorchios beautiful?! :O I have a female Starry Scorchio, and I have to admit that all dresses are not that nice when she is wearing them, but she is lovely in others!

And I have a Bori, not sure how popular they are, but he is my oldest right now. He is gonna be white some day, and then he will be gorgeous! :)

My third are an Aisha, which I guess is pretty popular, will paint him Baby when I can afford. :)


i had a faerie moehog, probably the one of the least popular faerie pets :P and she was with me for a long time.. but i recently let her go to a new home (still miss her...)


I'm not sure if lennies are unpopular, but I love my lenny! Granted, she is a faerie lenny so that color may be more popular. But I loved her even when she was plain ol' blue. The funny thing is that I created her to use as a lab rat and for the trans/morphing potions avatars. I purposely picked what I thought was an "ugly" neopet so I wouldn't feel guilty about zapping and morphing her. But by the time I got the lab map put together she had grown on me, and I couldn't bear to change her into anything else!


Even though I am a proud Bori fan(I now have 11 Boris), I really love my Lenny because she has sentimental value. I named her after an imaginary creature I created(the Chuckalah bird).


I've been told that my fruit and veggie chias are unpopular because they are limited in customization (can't wear clothes, etc.). Yes, they are limited but they are so cute and I adore them.


I've been told that my fruit and veggie chias are unpopular because they are limited in customization (can't wear clothes, etc.). Yes, they are limited but they are so cute and I adore them.


I just saw all your Chias, and I think they're awesome. You don't usually see that many Fruit/Veggies together.


I just made a pirate Ogrin yesterday and I adore him already.

Gnorbus are SO cute, I can't believe they aren't more popular, a plushie gnorbu is probably my next goal.


I've also had a skunk Kyrii, and a Halloween Kyrii that I loved dearly.

The faerie lenny's are also beautiful to me and I think I might just paint one someday. :'D


*looks at pets*


Hmm...I don't know what's really "popular" or not but I wanna say ALL my pets are just so cute ^~^




These two might be unpopular but who cares! They're sooo cute to me 8D


I have a strawberry moehog on the side; I've fallen in LOVE with that guy!


I also have a christmas ruki, which I think are amazing and beautiful.




Got my hands on a female Hissi yesterday. A lot of people might consider Hissis not feminine but I'm going to make Serpy here break the stereotype and mold!

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