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Hey luckje2000, don't forget
your free Wock Til You Drop Poster.



You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
and he has decided to grant your petpet a level!!!
Your petpet is now level 10!

  • 2 weeks later...
theres a topic in a forum called boys vs girls and its a game where you start at 500 and then boys and girls have to get it to either 0 (boys) or 1000 (girls)

idk what side to be on


Dear Calla, Thank you for your interest in the test at IQTest.com. Your general IQ score is: 132


promblem? bro we are teen We are teen bro if you have a problem please remember we are teen we are so teen i love being Teen Im A TEEn i love teens im a teen im teen Bro. im teen,. your teen. we’er all teen everyone on this websute is teen

  • 3 weeks later...

Started Playing: 7-14-2001
Account Age: 12.5 years
Monthly Transfers: 7 in, 7 out
Maximum Trade Lots up at once: 15
Maximum Neomails allowed in Inbox: 200
You can see items up to r100 (all items) while restocking in non-user shops.

You can post on the Neoboards and participate in almost all dailies.
You can only adopt pets (from the Pound or by transfers) that meet these restrictions.
You can access the Hidden Tower.
You can access the Abandoned Attic.
You can access the NC Mall Elite Boutique.
You get a 3% discount at the Hidden Tower on the third Weds. of each month.



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