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Giovanni Gale

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Have you ever been much of a fan of school? (I never was. I did well, but didn't like it at all. My sister was the weird one that enjoyed it.)


After having a great year in 8th grade, and generally thinking middle school was pretty decent, HS was a huge letdown.

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I'm only dropping in, because I want to know this:




I tried it on another computer and it didn't work, so I can't be the only one, but I feel I can't go to bed and sleep until itt's reseolved. I reported the problem but don't know how ling it will take for me to get a reply or for it to be sorted. :(

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I'll be leaving to go to a Powwow soon. I'm meeting a friend there and I'm really excited to go. The last Powwow I went to was in October of last year.

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I miss band. That was always one of my favorite things about middle school.


I only did one year of Jazz Band. They didn't offer Jazz Band until 8th grade, which is when I joined. I quit band completely going into HS, because they required all band members, even Jazz Band, to march and be at all of the football games. That was not remotely what I wanted, so I quit. (And really haven't played any of my instruments since. I think one is still collecting dust in my closet.)

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Hi TDNers~ I just had a chai latte and am now waiting for my last class of the day. 12 hour days at college aren't fun...


I wish I could join jazz band! I play violin, though, and that's not typically a staple of jazz ensembles, haha. Though I have played with one in the past!

There is a mariachi ensemble here, though, that's looking for violins and I've been considering joining...but I think I've got enough music to learn as it is :(

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:O I love chai lattes. Now I'm craving one. I'm wondering if it's a good or bad thing that there's a Starbucks on my way home.


I originally couldn't join Jazz Band. I played flute, which doesn't have a place in a jazz band either. But I taught myself tenor saxophone so I could join. (The Jazz Band was in need of saxophone players, so the director was more than happy to be patient while a few of us learned.)

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Band/music was always a big thing in my family. My dad played 3 instruments (Trombone, tuba and baritone) and traveled around with a marching band, my mom played violin, my grandma (Dad's mom) played trumpet and received a college scholarship for it, and my grandpa (Dad's dad) was a band director for the US Navy as well as a local HS.


I started out with flute when I was in 5th grade, then in 6th grade, I added piccolo. I didn't add the tenor sax until 8th grade and only because I wanted to join the jazz band. It was fairly similar, so it wasn't too hard.


Band definitely was my favorite class. I made so many friends there, and had so much fun. Jazz band was considered the "special" band, so we traveled around for contests as well as going to grade schools along with the Show Choir and advanced orchestra, trying to get kids interested in joining music classes when they moved to middle school.

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