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Giovanni Gale

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I'm the same way. I used to LOVE the snow. I'd play outside in it for hours when I was younger. I'd come up with any excuse to be outside, even shoveling the driveway.


Now, I despise the snow. I hate the cold and wet. I hate leaving the house when it snows. The roads get dangerous and I hate driving it in.


I really should move somewhere warm, but I've lived in CO my whole life.

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Haha same. I'm used to and comfortable in this area. I'm not too good with huge changes and moving takes a lot of work. (Wow, I'm so lazy...) I have this whole city memorized. Although, boyfriend wants to leave. He comes from Russia so he's used to the cold but he wants to see other parts of Canada. Like British Columbia.


Many places have similar weather anyway.

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My husband is from Florida. He seriously loves the snow and cold. (I'm not quite sure what's wrong with him. Maybe it's because it's a novelty to him still.)


No where else could be home. I'm used to seeing the mountains outside my window every day. Plus, my parents are here. I wouldn't feel comfortable going anywhere with my mom's health the way it is. I did move about an hour away a couple years ago, but I came home on the weekends often. (Plus I'd spent a lot of time in Denver growing up, so I was comfortable in the city, though not as much as my home city.)

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Aww I still love the snow. I'm in ontario too near toronto visiting my family. When it finally snowed I was so excited to go out and walk the dogs, but I was surprised we didn't see anyone else! It snowed for like 2 days straight here, very lightly, but it just rained yesterday and washed it all away =(


Normally I'm in Vancouver so we don't get any snow, but luckily there's mountains nearby so I usually go snowboarding at whistler couple times a year to get my fill. It's supposed to be an el nino winter there so I'm pretty stoked =D

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I just hate being cold. My body is miserable when it's cold. And I'm now a nervous wreck when having to drive in it. Not many people here actually drive for the conditions.


This winter has seemed to have more snow than usual. We got hit with 2 severe storms in 2 days. (Normally we don't get that many within a winter.)


My dad's in Anchorage, Alaska right now, and he said they're currently having one of the snowiest winters they've had in forever. It started snowing early in the year and hasn't really stopped.

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I used to be that way in middle school. I just didn't get cold easily then. Everyone would be freezing, and I'd be running around without a coat. (And if it was so cold the teachers wouldn't let kids out without a coat, I would stay inside for lunch.)


Now, I get cold when it's actually not even that cold. I generally carry a hoodie in my car in the summer, because the AC in places completely freezes me.

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Long time, no see Anisha! I hope things in life are going well for you.

Also, I hope you get well soon, I hate having annoying coughs myself.

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It's currently 40 degrees where I am, and the predicted high is 49 degrees with some rain. Things will get colder on Tuesday with a low of 12 degrees on that day.

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For a moment, I always thought that Southern New England had crazy weather patterns. My December has been vaguely warmer than average if you ask me.

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I know we always have crazy weather patterns here. We can have 70+ degree days in December and January. We get snow early and late. Blizzards that shut down most of the state, but the snow is nowhere to be found within 24 hours.

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New York has crazy weather patterns too, but not in the summer because it's usually 80-95 degrees and sunny.

The temperature around here has been at least 10-15 degrees above average lately. Like I keep saying, it's not supposed to be this warm this time of the year...

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Normally our weather pretty much runs like clockwork - hot in the summer, cold in the winter. But I don't think it's even snowed once where I live this year, and we tend to have at least a thin layer of snow on the ground around Christmas.


Not that I'm complaining. I don't really like snow that much :] I feel bad for you, Spritzie, that your weather is so topsy-turvey. I'd probably lock myself into my house and stock up on canned foods :P

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This has just been a weird weather year. We normally have thunderstorms in the spring, and just hot, dry summers. This summer, we have severe thunderstorms all summer.


It's insanely windy right now. The winds are up to 40 miles an hour.

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I just hope that your New Year's doesn't get too boring, Billpika. If you still have a New Year's party with your family, that should improve your mood.

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