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Giovanni Gale

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Did anyone notice I was gone for a while?


I did, plus you told us that you weren't going to on the internet for a matter of days anyway. Glad you're back though.

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Blah. I woke up at 7:00 AM this morning after getting to bed for 5 AM because my poor boyfriend was in the washroom attempting to throw up for whatever reason. He had to go to work for 10 AM and his friend wanted to have breakfast early because her friend had to work. So, we went out for 8:30 AM and it turns out her friend cancelled. I had a good breakfast but I'm not very compatible with lack of sleep. My eyes are killing me. I want to wait for my boyfriend to get home before I sleep however.

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My body is just so used to getting up early, that if I wake up early on my days off, I can't get back to sleep, no matter how tired I am.


I gave up after an hour of not being able to go back to sleep this morning.

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You changed your name? But why didn't you use a Capital Letter!!??


Sorry, I was talking to the poster before you.


I'm pretty sure that was directed at me... if so, it's because I wanted to, and if I changed my name to Rachiee (with a capital R) instead of rachiee I'd probably immediately regret that.

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Sorry, I have this thing about people's usernames not starting with capital letters. And also, on the other forum, your name starts with a capital letter there.

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Wow! I bet that was quite a mess. I hope your house wasn't affected at all. (Or anyone's for that matter.)


When I use matches to light candles, I always keep a small bowl of water in the bathroom by the sink, and I leave them in it to soak for quite awhile before I throw them away. I don't know that it would make a lot of difference, but I hope it does.

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I slept in as well this morning, even though my sleep patterns are usually random compared to the most of you.

I have zero snow, and I'd like to some snow this January (or February). It would never be Winter if you don't have snowfall.

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Neo, you can have all of our snowfall. I'm perfectly happy with a winter without snow. :D


Or I guess Alaska would be probably be willing to share as well. My dad says in Anchorage right now, they're trucking the snow out of the city because there's too much, and no where to put it.

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I guess I enjoy warm winter days because I really hate being cold.


It's nice to get a break from the cold. Yesterday it got into the high 50s and I really enjoyed it. (Though I guess we're supposed to be getting more snow soon.)

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It only "really" snowed here yesterday. We didn't have a white Christmas. :( It's been a very weird season for us here. I live in Canada and you'd THINK that would make it cold, but our weather has been pretty mild lately. For instance, summer went from being very hot to just being very cold - we usually have Fall, but instead of a real "Fall" season, it went straight from hot to cold! And our winter has had some very warm days, too. When it has snowed, it melts quickly. When I was little, it wasn't like this. Snow usually came well before Christmas and you could go sledding! Or build snow men! I remember plenty of white Christmases. But it's been drastically changing now. I've seen the changes in my own 22 years of life. Perhaps it's global warming or just how it is...

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It's been the same here. We used to get at least 2 blizzards a year when I was little. Now, even significant snow storms are less frequent. I guess someone who's been studying the Colorado climate for the last 20 years, said we've been having progressively warmer and drier winters.

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Well, see I prefer warmer weather. But I feel sorry for the kiddos who don't get "snow days" (we usually got 3-4 of them per year!), or get to sledding. It DID snow yesterday and it managed to cover the ground but it's gone now. There wasn't even a tad bit left for a snow man.


It does depend which parts of Canada you live in. I live in Ontario and sort of close to Toronto. I heard other places around us have received quite a bit of snow.


I'm getting old. Back in the day, I LOVED snow. I embraced it. Now, I'm just like "meh." It's too much effort for me to get as bundled up as I need to be (I mentioned in my allergy post that I had an allergy to cold weather where my skin reacted with a rash when I was cold, I still have some of it). So because of my condition, you guys can probably guess how much of myself I have to keep covered, otherwise the effects are itchy and painful!


Edit: 50 posts and I am now deemed a "cool person". Yay! :P I fit in.

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