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Giovanni Gale

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I had to wait until 9AM or something to unwrap presents. I'm happy that I got a good sum of money this year, I'm willing to save it for some flea market visits.

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The fire was intentional? o_O They should still tear it down. Why leave a burnt house there when there can be more people there? :P


Yep. They were hoping not to get caught. (They wanted to think someone else started the fire so they could collect the insurance money.) I don't know why it didn't get torn down. I know they couldn't rebuild because they didn't get the insurance money, but maybe that had something to do with tearing it down as well.


Merry Christmas TDN! :) I'm at work today, but since almost everyone else is off work, things will most likely be nice and quite today.

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I got like five things. T_T My sister got like 1678365936483820203826273837589632485234 25 gifts. On top of that, I got five bucks. <_<


That's weird, Spritzie. Who would they think started the fire? Weirdos. :P

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There's been plenty of buildings here set on fire, purposefully, just to ruin things. There's insurance money given, depending on the policy, depending on if it was intentional (I've known people who accidentally started fires with candles) or if it was, who set it. (The home-owner doesn't get the money, if they started it.)

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Yeah, candles can be dangerous if you aren't careful. A family I grew up with, the grandson (who was actually right between my age and my sister's age) started a fire in their house by having a candle too close to curtains.

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I've never purposely burned anything...but once when I was making some pasta, I accidentally burned part of an oven mitt.

I don't think I had it it very close to the flame, it was just touching the handle and one moment later it just... burst into flames. o_O

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I don't use candles because I gave the only scented candle I have to my friend, and I would probably end up burning down my whole room. (There's paper everywhere, and besides, I don't consider my room to be clean enough to have a candle)

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I like candles. Now, during christmas I have apple&cinnamon candle from Ikea. It smells wonderfull. I also have one that smells like vanilla and one that smells like berries. Wonderful :)

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Did someone say scented candles?

I prefer lavender-scented candles myself (not just for the light-purple colour), as well as any fruit-scented candles.

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I don't mind scented candles. But I seriously dislike those candles that don't go out when you blow them on the birthday cake.

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I think the only thing I've ever set on fire was a bowl of ramen in the microwave >.>

That was back in 1st year of university when I was living in dorms. I was so glad that it didn't set off the fire alarm at 3am or I'm sure everyone would've hated me xD

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Considering my luck its a mircale half of Arizona isnt in flames right now. :P



So I just played CoD online for the first time. My god these people take that game seriously. o.o

Not as bad as when I tried a gamer truck though. I still have nightmares about that.

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