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Giovanni Gale

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Everyone's getting ill during the Holiday season. I hope things will improve before the new year starts, Naamah.

I'm not sure about the last time I got really sick, I think it was some point when I was in 11th grade or something. I never really get sick often these days.

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Yep. It got us. The highway that goes south from where I am, was closed all the way to the New Mexico border. The snow from the first one just started melting, and we're supposed to get another storm this evening, that will drop about 3-5 inches.

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I wouldn't mind having some snow this holiday season, I'm just disappointed that I'm not going to any snow at all where I live during my Holiday break. I can only hope to get some snow next month at least.

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Heh, okay, Spritzie . . . I guess I've earned it, since I get this year off from it and all. :)




EDIT: Just found out I got A's in all my classes this year, my first year at a real university (as opposed to community college)! Super-excited!!!!

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I haven't seen snow in 5 years ^^;


What's wrong, Naamah? D:


I haven't made my Christmas list yet. ^^;


I'm still sick. It's driving me crazy not being able to talk. We finally got snow today in NH, where do you live, Javi? I picture you living in the South(I'm from NC).

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I haven't seen snow in 5 years ^^;


Lucky. :( I've been seeing too much of it this week.


-sneaks in all squirrely like, steals Colorado's snow using a shovel, a pickup truck, and duct tape, then leaves-


When was the first time you all saw snow?


Yes! Take it all! :D


I don't remember my first memory of it, but I always remember my dad taking my sister and I sledding and stuff in the snow. I was a summer baby, so the following winter would have been my first snows.

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I haven't seen snow in about two months. And it's late December, the time of the year when it's supposed to snow and not be 50 degrees outside.

In case anyone doesn't remember, there was a big snowstorm around Halloween in the Northeast, which led to messy roads, power outages and school cancellations. (My school didn't get cancelled because of snow; instead it got cancelled because the power was out district-wide.)

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I first saw snow in New York City when I went to vacation there a few years ago.


Also, random, but when I was 3, a house burned down about 4 houses down, and right now they just finished building it. xD

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Also, random, but when I was 3, a house burned down about 4 houses down, and right now they just finished building it. xD


That's happened here. Last January, a house on my way to work burned down. It still isn't finished being re-built, though it's close.


And there was another house when I was in middle school, that burned. It's still how it was then. (They determined it was intentionally set by the owner's for insurance money. Since it was intentional, they didn't get the money, so it's just sat there, boarded up. They haven't torn it down, or rebuilt it. And that was like, 13-14 years ago.)

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That's happened here. Last January, a house on my way to work burned down. It still isn't finished being re-built, though it's close.


And there was another house when I was in middle school, that burned. It's still how it was then. (They determined it was intentionally set by the owner's for insurance money. Since it was intentional, they didn't get the money, so it's just sat there, boarded up. They haven't torn it down, or rebuilt it. And that was like, 13-14 years ago.)


The fire was intentional? o_O They should still tear it down. Why leave a burnt house there when there can be more people there? :P

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