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Spritzie send me a double portion :) Don't you guys have services that clean your streets? You know, with the big machines .. ? I want snow. NOW. We have quite a lot of snow, but it's usually very late .. for the past few years there was no snow for christmas or my birthday :(




the amount of stereotypical people at my school actually make me wonder if I'm in a tv show every once in a while


There aren't that many people who fit a certain stereotype (queen bee, antisocial unpopular nerd, jerk jock, etc) to a T at my school. Just about everyone seems to be a blend of different stereotypes.


Okay, off-topic, but since someone mentioned movies earlier, is anyone else excited for The Thing, which comes to theaters on Friday?


I absolutely love the original and the fact that they aren't remaking it, but instead doing a prequel makes me super-happy and excited! I'm going to see it with the hubby and a couple friends so I'm hoping they all enjoy it too . . .


Never watched the original. but seeing as the movie is rated R, there is no hope my mom would let me see even the trailer...


Edit: I saw the trailer anyway, seems interesting...


No, for two reasons: 1. I hate remakes with a passion. 2. I also hate horror movies with a passion, not because they scare me but because I find them kinda stupid...and they do gross me out and make me wanna puke. And 3. Because I'm against violent movies. *waves hippie flag*


Gonna reply to all conversations...


1) I love the snow, but perhaps I only like it because it's more permissable to go out in it? xD If I say I'm gonna go splash around outside in a rain people will think I'm crazy, but if I lie on the ground and make snow angels people find it normal...(which btw, I've never seen enough snow to make a snow angel. :/)


2) I don't think my school has any stereotypical people except the mega-nerds that play yu-gi-oh at school....


3) I'm not a big movie person...


I thought I'm the only one who's not a big fan of movies, glad to know I'm not alone! XD But I did see the trailer of "The Thing" on TV, and I honestly can't say I didn't feel nauseous.




Well I like food so let's talk about that.


My sister and her friends and I made AWESOME POSSUM LEMON CAKE. OMG IT'S AMAZING.


I'm serious. It's so good. I didn't even help much. It's so awesome and cakey but firm and amazing and WOAAAAH,


You make a Possum Lemon Cake!?! :ohno: (jk, lol!)


That sounds amazing, I demand you to share, NOW! Pretty please...? 0:)


Sweetdang: send me some! :D Just joking, I don't eat cakes but I love to bake them :) I'm going to make something sweet tomorrow, cause we have school on saturday (sociology <_< ) and me and my friends decided we'll bring food so we won't be bored :P


That's cool. I haven't been to the mall in ages.


In other news, I found out I'm even more allergic to potatoes that I thought I was. I just peeled and chopped potatoes for other people for dinner and I got so itchy and broke out EVERYWHERE it is not very fun :sad01_anim:


Ouch. Hope it is not a horrible reaction.


On the food topic, I'm making monkey bread in school tomorrow :king:


Gonna reply to all conversations...


1) I love the snow, but perhaps I only like it because it's more permissable to go out in it? xD If I say I'm gonna go splash around outside in a rain people will think I'm crazy, but if I lie on the ground and make snow angels people find it normal...(which btw, I've never seen enough snow to make a snow angel. :/)


I wouldn't really find either one that weird. But I would be far more likely to run around in the rain, then make snow angels.


Hey guys, I just made some mean steamed broccoli...no? Fine, more for me :P


I wouldn't really find either one that weird. But I would be far more likely to run around in the rain, then make snow angels.


lol I've only been out in the rain a couple of times. I found that it felt amazing but people think I'm insane.


I would have to disagree, because I like to go fast, lol.


Sleeping when it's raining is what it's all about :D


Especially when you're sleeping on the top floor and you can hear the raindrops right above you. :D


I don't really :P I got a spending ticket once, 4 years ago, when I wasn't even aware I was speeding. Now I'm obsessive about staying at the right speeds.


I agree! I love falling asleep the house of rain hitting the roof, and the thunder.


I like rain alot :) Very inspiring if you ask me; I'd come up with some sappy poem to go along with that but I'm not in the mood.

Oh my gosh. I just realized something. The world is ending!!!

I left my iPod in my friend's locker because I was too lazy to go all the way over the the other side of the school to put in my own, and I forgot to break into her locker to get it.

Meh :/

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