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Giovanni Gale

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^ Same with me when it comes to staying online. I still try to be as active during the day, but I am a total night owl, I like to be on when practically any other U.S./Canada TDN user is active since I like to get to know my friends from the other half of the world more better. ^_^

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I only play Kass Basher, Fashion Fever, and occasionally Meerca Chase for the easy np.



I'm pretty bad at Kass Basher. I still haven't unlocked the bat yet and every strategy I try doesn't work.

I aced at Kass Basher. :P I was so happy when I got the avatar. xD But meh, it gets boring eventually.

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Haunted Neomysterion? Is it that time of year already? I better go get my vampire teeth...



Long time no see Anisha. Good to have you back. :)


It will be Ryan, in a month or so. We're both in the Halloween spirit when it comes to our display names.


I only play Kass Basher, Fashion Fever, and occasionally Meerca Chase for the easy np.



The only game I play for fun is the one where you choose to be on either darigan or meridell... Whats it called again?


That game you're thinking of is Neopian Battlefield Legends. I enjoyed that game when I was taking on the Daily Dare one Sunday.


Games I play for profit normally vary on the NP Ratio for each month. I normally enjoy Kookia, Nova Defender, Nimmo's Pond, Kass Basher, Attack of the Marblemen, Maths Nightmare, Crisis Courier, Tubular Kiko Racing, Chia Bomber 2, and Zurroball myself when it comes to making good profit.

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I got the Kass Basher Avatar before I knew how to get it. Before i went on my main and now side account, I spent TWO YEARS trying to get the bat. Know what happened next? I found the TDN guide. :)


If i have to unlock the bat on another computer, I do it in 5 - 10 minutes. :P


Now, when I'm on Neo, I just do the Squid Daily. Maybe I'll get around to doing more things sooner or later.


I don't think I ever played Neopian BL. If i did, I didn't like it. It was either NBL or Castle Crushers or something like that.

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You should tell me how you aced in that game. I'm like this close (6 meters) to unlocking the bat mode. Still can't get it. <_<


My High score is about 970. :P


Wait for the wind speed to hit 8 or 9. The number it starts off at, it can increase up to 2. So when you start (check wind speed) make sure it's (minimum) 7. When it picks up or whatever, then click to make the kass fall. Wait till the Kass is at the tip of the bat. Swing. KEEP PRESSING THE MOUSE BUTTON DOWN. When you've reached the tip of the arch, let go. This makes the kass's wings flutter and make it soar longer. When it hits the floor, click the mouse, then let go. Hit, click, release. Hit, click release. Allows it bounce further.


Good luck with your Avatar! :)

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I really like Goparokko, Destruct-o-Match, Usuki Frenzy and Volcano Run II, but as of now the game ratios are pretty bad so I don't play them as much. :|

The only three games I have to play each day are Bouncy Supreme, Meerca Chase and Turmac Roll, and sometimes Fashion Fever if I remember to play it.

Honestly, aside from playing those 3 games and collecting my interest, I haven't exactly been doing my dailies. :P In fact, I havent been on Neo as much as I was during the summer.

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Me neither. :/ I never really got around to playing Neo daily aside from when i played with my friend. :/


I always used to play Fashion Fever, Kass Basher, and occasionally Spellseeker, Meerca Chase, Zurroball, and Turmac Roll.

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I was always really bad at Zurroball, even with a mouse. It's a whole lot worse if you try to play it with a touchpad.

Also, I need to get some of my friends to play Neopets. I got one of my (now former) friends to play it like, five years ago, but she eventually just forgot about it. Her account is still there, even though it's been inactive for at least four or five years, has no trophies, 17 avs and all basic pets.

It will get purged one of these days, I just know it :P

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Ive gotten pretty lazy with neo too, only making like 5k a day now, and havelthese 2 semi-expensive HTS items that won't sell.



They are Deluxe elephante cake, and heavy robe of thievery, if anyone is intereted

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I wish I could play my daily games again. Sometime over the summer, my computer/internet connection started refusing to loading the flash games and stuff on Neopets because of the ads. They use up all my internet because they're video-based, so I've lost a ton of NP income within the last 6 months or so . . .

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I don't have ad-blockers. I do hate ads, though. It's kind of annoying when i have to see an ad before i play a game, especalliy if it's the same exact one.






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Have you tried using an Ad Blocker? I use one and it makes everything so much easier.


I use Firefox, so is there an Ad Blocker add-on I can get for it or is there a specific program I should use & download?


Also, it isn't against TNT rules to use an Ad-Blocker, is it? I wouldn't think so but you can never be too cautious . . .

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I never liked annoying ads, especially when it comes to loading a game. I have AdBlock on both my Chrome and FireFox borwsers, hence the fact that Firefox works more effectively.

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