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Giovanni Gale

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Just a random jump in: I love mythology! It was always one of my favorite things to study & still is . . . too bad my university doesn't offer a lot of mythology or religion courses . . .

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Shakespeare? I LOVE theatre so I have a huge respect for Shakespeare. I'm all about him! Oh yes, brings back memories of high school productions of Twelfth Night and the unameable play. Better cut me off before I start going on and on about them! :wub_anim:

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I feel like I'm the only person here who hasn't read anything by Shakespeare. :P


No, you're not. :P


Oh God, I left my Science book in class, and I have homework for the class. x_x I thought I had it in my bookbag because it wasn't in my locker, now I cant do homework. Maybe one of my friends can tell me the questions (it is only 3 questions) and I can do it. :)


What do (did) you do if you forgot your book?

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If you left your book at school, my only advice is to call a friend and have them tell you the answers to the questions and then when you come back and get your book you can read the part you needed to read and verify your answers? Sorry for the big run-on sentence and the fact that I suck at giving advice but it's been a while since I last left any of my books at school :|


Speaking of homework, I'm already missing two homework assignments for French class. We also have a project coming up where you have to describe your family or friends as well as add pictures and I seriously don't want to do it...but I have to.

I honestly cannot stand projects (in any class) that ask you to describe and/or add pictures of your family or friends, especially the family part. Maybe it's because I don't have enough pictures of my family or friends, and all the pictures I do have are terrible.

Plus, what is it with teachers (especially foreign language teachers) and wanting to know more about my family and/or friends? All they need to know is that I have a mom and a dad and a brother and you know most of my friends already but I should mention that they're smart, pretty and slightly nerdy. Simple as that. Now give me my A+.

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I can say the same here. I only took Spanish in 7th grade, and my Spanish Teacher never made me do a family tree.

Speaking of foreign language classes that I took in middle school, I really liked Portuguese better than Spanish, hence the fact that most of the words are the same in either language. :P

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