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Giovanni Gale

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I don't have that car (well, actually my parents as I can't drive yet). They have a Mazda CX-7 and a Nissan Sentra :P

When I get old enough to drive, I already have a general idea on what car I want- if I have the money and if there are any available. :3

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I want a red or white Toyota Solara convertible or a dark grey, black or navy blue Audi A4 convertible. Both of those are discontinued, quite pricey and hard to find, probably even more so because I want one of those two vehicles in a specific colour. :(

If I can't get a convertible, then I'll settle for a Corolla. My family had one for 11 or 12 years with minimal shop visits. (They bought it used, but it was only 3 or 4 years old at the time they bought it.)

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The topic of cars depresses me. :P After years of wanting a Toyota RAV4 (I loved them when they came out in 1996 and I knew I would own one someday.) I bought one in 2007. But it got totaled in January, and I'm now driving a Honda Civic. Though it's dark blue, a 2-door sport version, and newer than my Rav4 was, I seriously miss my SUV.

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So my high school's football team lost last night(6-28) to the team they lost the state championship to last night. D:



And for cars, I dont care what I get someday cause i'll turn it into my personal squirrel-mobile.

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Personally, I don't pay attention to my school's football games, or any school sport games for that matter. There are a whole bunch of posters plastered around the cafeteria with my school's colours and the names and jersey numbers of various football players on them, so football is taken kinda seriously at my school.

Heck, all sports are taken seriously at my school, but there's more emphasis on football as well as wrestling and lacrosse.

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There is lacrosse and wrestling at your school, and yes I know who Homer and Odysess is , just did't know you where talking greek mythology..

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aaaaaaand who wants a cookie. :D


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@Sweetdang: I'd like to have a cookie, for later though.


My school has a lacrosse team, but I never played lacrosse in my life. I love wrestling however, but I enjoy watching it opposed to being in a match myself.

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I think I first read a story from the Odyssey in middle school...the one that everyone reads, of course: the Cyclops.


My school could have had a lacrosse team for all I know...it only ever advertised that we had a football team. I found out that we had a golf team by reading the newspapers--our golfers won a ton of awards, but the school never mentioned it to us. Whereas every football game was announced despite the fact that our football team was TERRIBLE. We won maybe three games during my four years there.

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I tried downloading blasterball 2 (on a laptop) and it didn't work. By any particular chance, does anyone know the problem? :)

I cheked with all my anti-malware programs and it is safe, so can anyone try downloading it to see the problem? :/

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I love all things Greek Mythology. I love reading the Odyssey. I really loved Honors English my freshman year because the entire first quarter was spent on Greek Mythology. (Then I took a general mythology class later in HS for an elective.)

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I never really cared for mythology all that much. I learned a little bit of mythology back in grade 6 English and I found it to be boring. In fact, I found everything I learned back then to be boring. :P

What's pretty bad is that since in both of the honors-level classes I'm taking, we're mainly just relearning stuff we learned in grade 6 (especially in social studies) this time in greater detail. Nearly two and a half years have passed since grade 6 ended and I still find a lot of the stuff I learned back then to be boring. :/

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I didn't really start liking history until grade 7 when we started to re-learn things from the 1500s/1600s-onward. This year, we're re-learning stuff about ancient civilizations, which was really boring to me.

A few months ago we learned about the Cold War and Vietnam War, which probably interested me the most out of anything I ever learned in social studies. I guess the more current history interests me more than stuff that happened thousands of years ago. *shrug*

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I didn't really start liking history until grade 7 when we started to re-learn things from the 1500s/1600s-onward. This year, we're re-learning stuff about ancient civilizations, which was really boring to me.

A few months ago we learned about the Cold War and Vietnam War, which probably interested me the most out of anything I ever learned in social studies. I guess the more current history interests me more than stuff that happened thousands of years ago. *shrug*


Really? I find ancient civilizations more interesting than majority of 1700s-Now.

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Hello!. I myself am not a fan of history but some topics are interesting.... ancient Roman history was quite cool :)

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I enjoy certain aspects of history, but since it's a subject I struggle with more, I needed teachers who really made it come alive and more interesting, and I never really had that. More than anything, they focused on the dates.

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