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Giovanni Gale

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That's like saying Facebook is problematic, or texting. I really don't see how it's any different!


It's not. People rip on me for playing Neopets and Console games, but they spend their entire life in front of a TV watching American Idol, Glee, and the Royal Wedding?!?!


One time I went to school and a teacher asked me "Did you watch the Royal Wedding last night?" and I said no. They said "Were you too busy playing video games to care?"



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That's like saying Facebook is problematic, or texting. I really don't see how it's any different!


Well said! :D Way I see it, everything in life is a waste of time; we might as well waste our time with things we enjoy :laughingsmiley:

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Whatever. to each his own, right? I would never expect somebody to understand that sort of thing because people are generally so predictable and so close-minded. they feel like they should be interested in the royal wedding because of all the hype, but are they really interested, really? I don't think so!


at least people like us, we actually are interested in the things we indulge in- neopets!



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It's not. People rip on me for playing Neopets and Console games, but they spend their entire life in front of a TV watching American Idol, Glee, and the Royal Wedding?!?!


One time I went to school and a teacher asked me "Did you watch the Royal Wedding last night?" and I said no. They said "Were you too busy playing video games to care?"




Omg every time you post something about what the people in your life say, I want to jump through the computer and PUNCH THEM!! Seriously! I hate people. Please, next time someone says something like that to you, punch them and say "That's from Manta!!" :angry: It really bothers me how hypocritical and self-important people are


Besides, who cares about the royal wedding :laughingsmiley: I'd rather play neopets than watch any wedding

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Omg every time you post something about what the people in your life say, I want to jump through the computer and PUNCH THEM!! Seriously! I hate people. Please, next time someone says something like that to you, punch them and say "That's from Manta!!" :angry: It really bothers me how hypocritical and self-important people are


Besides, who cares about the royal wedding :laughingsmiley: I'd rather play neopets than watch any wedding


Most of it I've learned to put up with. But the "Were you too busy playing video games to care?" was just mean in a smart aleck way.

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Besides, who cares about the royal wedding :laughingsmiley: I'd rather play neopets than watch any wedding


I know, right? I didn't understand the hype about the royal wedding- a few of my friends gave me flack about that, I was just like "lol it's just a wedding calm yourselves." Maybe I'm a little biased because I've never been to a wedding, but even then, I wouldn't care unless one of my close friends, relatives, or even fictional characters were getting married. *shrug*

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haha none of my friends cared about the royal wedding xDD


Then again, i also rarely talk to people IRL :P

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The only thing that matters to me at 6am...well, nothing, really- except for the sunrise. xD There's also nothing worth watching on TV at 6am...just countless reruns, paid programming on every other channel and repeats of the six o'clock news. I'd only get up at 6am if I had to go to school or anywhere else at a really early time. =/

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actually my favorite show only plays at 6am! but it's not new or anything so Im not really gona get up to watch it when I could just sleep in and stream it later... But there was a time when I couldn't sleep at night and that's how I discovered my favorite show! Wow so 6am life is more important to me than I previously believed....

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The latest I stay up is generally 3ish...because that's when it's NeoMidnight :P But I don't think I'd make it up till 6 on any ordinary day :rolleyes_anim:

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My Neo-midnight is at 3am too. It sucks being a New Yorker if you want the Deadly Dice avatar or if you want the Halloween sidebar. Sadly, I haven't been able to stay up that late and get either of those things.

I tried to get the Halloween sidebar in 2008, but I fell asleep around 12:30 and woke up at 6:30 in the living room watching Noggin. XD


Well, lately, I've been staying up until 10:30 or 11. It takes me a while to fall asleep because...often, my thoughts keep me awake. o_O I also think there's a weird noise coming from my old, haunted laptop in the closet, haha. It's obviously off so I guess I'm just hearing things. :/

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Im CST. Making Neomidnight (2 am CST) is pretty easy for me. Except for today; I was at a water park all day and now am terribly exhausted :laughingsmiley:

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