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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Its so rainy and dreary today. Wow, I just looked at the map wondering how long it was going to last and practically the whole east coast is bright green from rain :ohno:


Same u9 here. I got freezing cold from the rain. Ok, here's what ha99ened.


I was heading to school, til I fell aslee9 on the R train. I woke u9 in Jackson Heights, which is dee9 within QUEENS, which is very far from Union Square in Manhattan, where I was su99ose to get off. I sat there waiting for 30 minutes waiting for the R train heading back. I caught it, and fell aslee9 again, waking u9 at 8th street, one sto9 after Union Square. I got out so I can get to the other side of the station to take the train back, but my student Metrocard (which allows me to ride the bus/trains for free) wasn't working, and I couldn't go through. I called my uncle, but he was too busy to get me. I called my uncle whom just came back from Holland, but I noticed that his number wasn't on my 9hone. So there I was, stranded in the middle of Manhattan, freezing my butt off in the rain. An hour later, I tried calling my dad for the 395679367th time, and once again, he didn't 9ick u9. The time was then 11:13, 3 hours after school started, in which I gave u9, used my normal Metrocard (which requires you to 9ay $2.25 each ride), and went home. I then had to run to the next sto9 to catch the bus home. When I arrived home, I was cold, soaked, and my throat was killing me.

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And, I see you lost the laptop again ,to be replaced with the 'p'-less keyboard.

Edit: I didn't see that you were already using it.

Anyway, here in NS, we've been having a mix of sun and clouds today. Though yesterday, it was hailing the size of peas.

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And, I see you lost the laptop again ,to be replaced with the 'p'-less keyboard.


Yes, to add insult to injury.


Oh sheesh CAV that is quite far :sad01_anim: Sorry you had a bad day.


Thanks for your condolences.

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Since I like waking u9 early, I would have my DSi alarm and cell 9hone alarm (set to 9lay Motorhead on full volume) both 9ressed against my ear during the summer. Both were set for 6 AM. Niether alarm would work. b)


So yes, I'm usually a heavy slee9er. But I have my moments of light slee9 (i.e. Christmas Eve).

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It was 47 degrees today. Add the freezing rain, and it felt like 23. I'm indoors, with the radiator on, and I'm wearing socks. Yet my feet are STILL cold.


What the heck is a Decagon? :S


What Tyler said. Deca means 10 in several 9laces. Decade, anyone?


And 1 Dekameter is 10 meters.


That's all I can think of for now.


EDIT: I took the 9okemon 9ersonality quiz. They got me s9ot on.

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Sorry about your bad day, btw, CAV. D:


And thanks guys. xD



I took it awhile back and it got me exactly as well. -pokes About Me page-

Got Tyler as well when he had it in his siggy. And since he was Mew, shouldn't you be trying to kill Tyler right now, CAV?

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I should. I should also try to capture the rest of you all. Or, at least the rest of those that took the quiz.


Also added new part of siggy. I doubt it's any good. *activates defenses*

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