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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Unfortunately I'm not ticklish. And I'm pretty sure you were expecting me Morgan. ;)

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That was a couple of months ago. Someone uploaded a malicious file through that feature, so uploads on TDN are now completely banned. :(


I keep thinking you're Anna every time I see that new set. :shiftyeyes_anim:

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I'm not cool. I'M AWESOME


AWWW YEAH. *cough*much much more awesomer than laura*cough* SO YEAH LAURA YOU'RE PRETTY COOL. 8D




@morgan: my style is different now though LOL but it really does look like my old set from before.

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For the record, I'm fine with being called AA. *pokes signature* :P


And Morgan, I'm fairly sure I'm allergic to bad fanfiction.

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SOB. OTL I'm such a fanfic addict. It's miserable.


But I'm not stopping. XD Screw rehab.


....They tried to make me got to rehab, but I said No! No! No!...


It had to be done. :yes:

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