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Giovanni Gale

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You can really drink coffee at any age. There's really no effect on your body by drinking coffee at such a young age, except it becomes less effective every time you drink it, so it's recommended you don't drink much til college, when you'll really need it.


And those rumors about it stunting your growth are fake. It's like Santa Claus and the Boogyman; something to get kids not to drink it.


As you know, America runs on Dunkin', and Dunkin' runs on lazyness.

Therefore, America runs on laziness :P

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I like the taste...but I dislike caffiene. D= It saps my energy.


Oh crap. I got my ears pierced a couple weeks ago and I still have my beginning earrings in. The dang little ball came off the ring and fell in my printer.

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OOH! Good luck. But try to do whatever you can to NOT take the earring out.


I still have my beginning earrings in too. I can change them now.... but I have no 14 karats to change them out with. Just a pair of sterling silvers. Poo.

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I have this freaky response to shots (and yes, getting piercings are the same as a shot, essentially) so when I got my ears pierced I got hot flashes, was light-headed and very dizzy, was about faint and throw-up, and I had to go to the bathroom reeeeally bad.


I had to make myself zone-out the whole walk to the bathroom or else I may have fainted. Then that would've proven my mom right.

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Oh gosh, that's... that's quite dreadful. I'm used to shots because I get them fairly often (not exactly fun), but piercing still kinda frightens me. I have my ears pierced in the traditional place, but anywhere else and I'd probably react similarly to Laura. *shudders*


~ Livvy

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And it's not like I'm scared of shots. I really don't care. You could give me tons and I'd be like whatever.


My body on the other hand... well, it doesn't like shots to much. It like rejects them.


So that's my story. Sort of.

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I'm perfectly fine with needles and shots and whatever else. Unless their by my neck or any other spot that's precious ;b


And I really prefer to be able to look at them, I don't know why.

But I'm so used to needle probably because I've had my blood drawn so many times an have acupuncture a lot.



As long as their not dirty rusty nails or used hypodermic needles.

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ok guys just stop talikg about blood and blood-drawing and all they scare me...

I like meepits *Something has happened! the person at the keyboard says meep.*

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Acupuncture? I could never do that. Having all those needles in me would freak me out I think.
I was squeamish when I first had it years ago, but you get used to it pretty fast. My only problem is being very stiff from being in one position for a long time.

Are you eating cereal as you type? I am.

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