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AHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *runs into a wall... and then numerous breakable objects*






I have a project I have to do because I procrastinated!


Which reminds me... I was going to join the Procastinators Club, but I put it off. :P




Yep. Reminds me of something I was planning to do a while ago. I would make a quiz for someone to see if they were a procrastinator or not. It would have random questions mostly, only some that actually had to do with the subject. It didn't matter if the answers were wrong or not, you automatically failed if you managed to finish it completely. :D


Fell free to steal the idea, I don't mind.


Anyway... Vacation! A little one, but still. Our family isn't doing Thanksgiving this year, for personal reasons among them. :( We're still getting some pie though!


Blah... Don't have Thanksgiving over here... Christmas soon though and I am no way near done with my shopping!!!! GRR... Not very organised this year...



Anyways... At about 11.30 last night I got out of bed to go to the toilet, walked to the toilet door and turned the light on... Then I looked just above the toilet and.... *shudders* there was a HUGE cockroache sitting right there... Like about 5cm long (that is HUGE over here).... So I squealed, quickly turned off the light and ran back to my room... Still busting to go to the loo! I refused to go into my toilet this morning and had to check all over the bathroom incase it popped out while I was having a shower or something! I am going to get my friend to come round and check out my toilet after work today.....


Oh and if you haven't figured it out by now I am absolutely terrified of bugs!!!! Almost all bugs!!!!! *shudders* Had creepy crawlies going all up my legs last night... Was not the best nights sleep I've ever had!


I remember when there were spiders all over my house. Especially in the basement. In fact...


Has anyone else ever woken up with a spider in their nose? It gets annoying sometimes.


(I'm not trying to be weird, this is actually an issue for me. o_O)


And ants. There were ants all over the kitchen. For that I used to be terrified of ants. For some reason we don't get many bugs at all anymore, and now that they're not such a nuisance I find it quite enjoyable to feel an ant crawl on my arm.


Enjoyable!!!!??!?!?!?!?! Just when I thought you couldn't get any stranger you pop out something like that!


A lot of people like things like that. Have you ever met a zoo keeper? Well what about caterpillars? They're all fuzzy and whatnot... I like them even more. ^_^


Else... You've eaten alligator?


I haven't really tried anything new (to eat) in a long while. Always the same for boring old me.


It's been kinda quiet here. I've been looking around for a long while waiting for someone to be engaged in a convo somewhere, but apparently they have better places to be than TDN. :( I wish I had a computer, then I'd have some IM thing to keep me away from days like this.


I've never eaten alligator...that sounds kinda creepy and gross at the same time. (That sentence came from a picky eater...who would be me lol)

Else... You've eaten alligator?


I haven't really tried anything new (to eat) in a long while. Always the same for boring old me.


It's been kinda quiet here. I've been looking around for a long while waiting for someone to be engaged in a convo somewhere, but apparently they have better places to be than TDN. :( I wish I had a computer, then I'd have some IM thing to keep me away from days like this.

I have eaten alligator, many years ago.


And I'm on now.


And for the computer problem, just try to look for some old computer that someones selling for like $50, that should be enough for basic tasks like internet browser, IM, word possessing, and whatever else doesn't strain it too much.


Nah, I like working with graphics and maybe a game or two. I need a laptop, 'cause a desktop won't fit in my room, and one that can handle my projects.


Why won't a desktop fit in your room? Is it because you wouldn't have anywhere to store it, or because it's just not space-feasible? Also, what's your budget? I might be able to recommend a couple good computers at that price, or help you build your own.

Bugs..... yum :)




Not really :)




Anyone else here ever eaten alligator?


Umm... Actually I have!! Which most people will know is really weird for me.. but I kind of didn't know what it was when I was eating it!


Anyways Revenge, are you still fundraising for a laptop? lol


Nowhere to put a desktop. All the desk/shelves in my room are unsupported by anything but the wall, and too much weight (a bit less than your average monitor and keyboard) will have it either collapse in on itself of slide off the wall to the ground. And there's no room to add another piece of furniture.


My income is approximately $0 a week, no job, no allowance, my parents don't make enough a month to even consider what I had in mind. (It was a gaming laptop, though after I customized it it came to about $4000, my bad.)


I'd settle for about $2000, otherwise I might question its reliability. Not saying an expensive one is always better, just that logically you have to be able to back that up.


Oh, that might be a problem. In that case, your two choices are to put a desktop on the floor or to get a laptop. You had the right idea in the first place. Here, try reading this, at $1400, it seems to be powerful enough for you and is a good deal. http://computershopper.com/feature/build-your-own-laptop Just make sure your games don't max out the processor too hard, like WOW and similar intensive games.


Also, how much storage do you want on it? You seem to want a gaming one, so I'd suggest at least 200 gigabytes...

For gaming? I would differ. Hard drive space wouldn't matter as much as RAM, processor, and graphic card, in my opinion. Unless Revenge wants a lot of games...

Oh, that might be a problem. In that case, your two choices are to put a desktop on the floor or to get a laptop. You had the right idea in the first place. Here, try reading this, at $1400, it seems to be powerful enough for you and is a good deal. http://computershopper.com/feature/build-your-own-laptop Just make sure your games don't max out the processor too hard, like WOW and similar intensive games.



For gaming? I would differ. Hard drive space wouldn't matter as much as RAM, processor, and graphic card, in my opinion. Unless Revenge wants a lot of games...

Unless you want to have a lot of games actually ON your computer so you don't have to use the disk, saving the disk drive from wear due to overuse.



Besides, all PC games are free :evil:



And make sure you have adiquite fans to cool it off, unless you feel like going crazy and getting it watercooled :) You just don't want to fry any of the internal components.

Oh, that might be a problem. In that case, your two choices are to put a desktop on the floor or to get a laptop. You had the right idea in the first place. Here, try reading this, at $1400, it seems to be powerful enough for you and is a good deal. http://computershopper.com/feature/build-your-own-laptop Just make sure your games don't max out the processor too hard, like WOW and similar intensive games.



For gaming? I would differ. Hard drive space wouldn't matter as much as RAM, processor, and graphic card, in my opinion. Unless Revenge wants a lot of games...


RAM, processor, graphics card. Most important. :yes: And I won't get that many games, literally just one or two, I need all the space for other stuff. And nothing like WoW or anything. As far as computer games go, things like Rollercoaster Tycoon is what I'll want. Heck, I don't even need the latest in that series. I could spend hours on the original. I know, it's what I had for my old computer. :)


Checking that link now...


Glad we got away from the PC talk, I swear that just confusles me!!!

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