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Giovanni Gale

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Phew, Rank 18. Hope it's another powerhouse tomorrow so I can just Max YYB and get to All-Star. With that stress of hitting that rank gone, I can just play more for the team than for myself.


Congrats on completing school this year, starlite ^_^

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Wow. Congrats on rank 18. I hit rank 12 myself today. (About 2 minutes before I got off work, right as my replacement walked in the door.)


I'm already 2 ranks above my ending rank last year and 3 ranks away from my goal for this year, though I'll hopefully go beyond 15.

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Last year, I remember trying to stay focused on YYB near the end, but Divya and Anisha pretty much made that impossible. I kept coming back to this board between games, and staying here too low to get much done.

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Even when I'm tired and not in the mood, I'm pushing myself to do it anyway. I want to help Maraqua, and I know it will be worth it in the end, and I'll be glad I put in the effort. Plus, since it's a short term event, I know it will be over soon, and it will be too late.

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Nuu. KI have dropped to 4th :angry: Though I can't really complain. I've only played like 70 games of YYB.


We're doing AWFUL in Slushie Slinger. Virtupets are obviously insane at Make Some Noise. 19 wins to 1 is very 1337.

I'm surprised that Maraqua are sitting at 7th. I thought they'd be doing much better.

And Lost Desert too have really surprised me. From being champs they're rather close to the bottom of the table.

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And Lost Desert too have really surprised me. From being champs they're rather close to the bottom of the table.


That's the winners' curse for ya. :P Some people don't believe in it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were actually true.

I also agree with what you said about Maraqua. When I made my overall predictions a month ago, I put them in 1st. By the way the cup is going right now, I think that Kreludor will be in 3rd, Meridell will be in 2nd and Virtupets will be in 1st.

I just noticed that if things do go like that, it'll be my three favorite teams (in order of how much I like them) in the top 3. :O That would just be awesome.

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I wish Lost Desert was doing better. I love that team, heck i'm a founder of Darigan Desert. :P


Their placement isnt whats on my mind for the lower tiers though. I'm wondering if Shenkuu will hop into 2nd tier and take 5th like I predcited before the Cup started.

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But she said she was back this time. I'm pretty sure its summer again over there. :(


We going to Pennsylvania?


Yes we are. Then the next stop is India. :yes: Then... Disney World.

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OH THAT REMINDS ME. I saw a Jason Bourne movie the other day and one of the locations was Goa India and I was like "OMG THATS WHERE ANISHA LIVES... I think... YEAH THATS IT."

Why Disney Land? 8D

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