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Giovanni Gale

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I'm not really a detective kind of guy - I'm more of a strategist. Speaking of strategy, to conserve costs, we'll use the weapons table as the cookie-tasting table as well.

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Ah, but what about the milk? How're we going to eat the cookies without some milk? Maybe we should formulate a plan on how we'll get our supply of milk. Maybe the guests have to bring a half gallon of milk with each platter of cookies. That way we're good to go with both. :glasses:

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*gives Smumkins a couple of cows* Now you just have to milk them and you'll have a constant supply ;)


Can't provide any more cookies though, they don't come from any animal currently in my possesion... *goes to look for a cookie-making animal*

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Awwww! Maybe you don't place the grill at the right place in your oven... it has to be at the very top of it! And stay close of your oven and watch them. (Yeah, I'm a cookies master!)


I tasted strawberries cream oreo today. It was good XD

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I have the solution! My evil cookie making machine! It makes evil cookies that attack and kill everyone with the exception of people who didn't create them, it's perfect for our plan!

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So, how goes the preparations to take down the unsuspecting guests? And why do they have to be evil cookies? Why not just poisoned, and we have the antidotes? That would work so much better! Oh, I've got the shovels ready to dig the pitfalls. :glasses:

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The Evil Guy made the machine. And I think the antidote should only go to members that were a part of the fight from the beginning. The latest batch of members have to earn the antidote. I'm thinking 20 posts for the antidote. :evil:

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*Ignores warnings and makes replica of AA's evil cookie swarm*

I wonder if I could get a new siggy... *thinks of ideas while being chased by ever-growing swarm of evil cookies*

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*Uses my new set to scare evil cookies into submission* Now, I order you to turn yourselves into poisonous cookies! Now all we need is an antidote.


I have a question. What is the grading system for the GCSEs? I've seen A*s and As. What is the difference?
From what I know, after marking everything the examiners go through all the papers looking for those where extra effort has been put in, and award A*s to those. Bah, no evil touch whatsoever.
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