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Happy Bruce Day!


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I was going for a Zombie Bruce, but the Wraith Bruce is a much better idea.

Also, all Silver pets look trophy-like these days, and the Silver Bruce is no exception.

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The Wraith colour is awesome! I really love those glasses too b)

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lol agreed, wraith bruce looks real freaky, neopia doesn't have a chance to stand against that xD Silver looks great too, loving the tones in it.

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Great work on the Wratih, great expression, he looks really evil. Silver is great too, once again, probably should have been released prior to customisation, but good shading.


I really like the male Bruce clothes too, with the big square glasses.

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...ooh! A Wraith Bruce; looks menacing yet cool! And I love the instruments! :D


......... and i see no one commented on the Caption Contest pic .. loooooool .. NO ONE got the reference ? really ? <_<

No, no I didn't. Mind telling me (or us)? :D

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Totally agree on the wraith front. I'm loving the pets that are out so far. I was kind of hoping for more water pets too *crosses fingers for a water wocky*

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