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What is that one avie you just can't seem to get?

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I think the day I get MSPP (I doubt that will ever happen) I will sit in my chair with shock for at least 10 mins.

I think I'll be like that too. It's really hard to get lend, especially that one MSPP was apparently scammed yesterday.

Snowager... It is the bane of my existence. My poor unfortunate pets have been blasted so many times, and yet there is still no avatar.


Snowager and buried treasure, like everyone else. Although those seem so rare I'm not really bothered by them.


But, DICE-A-ROO is really getting on my nerves xD. On my old account, I got it after a few days and I can't seem to get it again :(

  • 2 weeks later...

Most game avatars :c I'm just not that good of a gamer ;c


Dice-a-roo Dice-a-roo Dice-a-roo Dice-a-roo Dice-a-roo


And Wheel of Excitement. Having terrible luck with these 2. I thought I would've gotten it ages ago but no :(


And of course still waiting on a FFQ from these fortune cookies xD

  • 3 weeks later...

Still no luck with most the random avvies. I have been trying for the Carnival of Terror avvie with no success :/ My favorite avvie of all and I still can't get it.


coconut shy, that annoying annoying errr!!!! :shiftyeyes_anim: I'd take on the AC's jelly chia in sosd a gazillion times rather than that stupid quiggle






I mean: Why?

I even tried the "rainbow" thing but nothing :sad02:


I can't seem to get the Mutant Graveyard of Doom avvie for the life of me. Along with that would also be Edna, Wheel of Knowledge, and both the King avvies. So frustrating. :shiftyeyes_anim:


I can't seem to get the Mutant Graveyard of Doom avvie for the life of me.


I have that avatar by the way.

For game avatars, it's the Faerie Bubbles and Freaky Factory avatars that are certainly getting the best of me, those are two games that frustrate me whenever I try to reach the avatar score.


I can't seem to get the Mutant Graveyard of Doom avvie for the life of me. Along with that would also be Edna, Wheel of Knowledge, and both the King avvies. So frustrating. :shiftyeyes_anim:


same! i'm actually refreshing at the moment. i've been at it for half an hour so far (not including all the other days ive sat refreshing)


I'm dying for the Lost (Geraptiku) avatar.. I love it, probably because I am a die hard LOSTie as well haha but so far no luck

Oh my gosh, me too! I love that and have never been able to get it. Also, it took me three days of refreshing to get Mutant Graveyard of Doom. I thought I was never gonna get it!

The one I'm currently cursing is Drackonack. He just won't eat my cheese. I've tried moving the cheeses around, and nothing. I've been at it for two days, and I've rearranged my cheese four times. Ugh!


Freaky Factory and Ultimate Bullseye II both make me cry. I've gotten so close to the UB avatar I could taste it. (98 points!)


I'm dying for the Lost (Geraptiku) avatar.. I love it, probably because I am a die hard LOSTie as well haha but so far no luck



With my previous account I got that in my 1st week lol. Now i go everyday and its like its making me pay for my previous luck :@


Anyway, im trying for the wheels avvies and the meepit juice break avvie. my highscore is 2300 so i have loooooooooong way to go :(

  • 2 weeks later...

Feed Florg! I hate that game! I just always get the thing where two petpets are on the opposite side and then you can only save one...I've gotten 243 - so close!

  • 3 weeks later...

The random ones drive me crazy! I still need several but I'm most annoyed by Black Pteri and Wheel of Knowledge. I agree that most annoying game one is Feed Florg. I can get so close and when I need him to eat one more petpet I lose it!


coconut shy, that annoying annoying errr!!!! :shiftyeyes_anim: I'd take on the AC's jelly chia in sosd a gazillion times rather than that stupid quiggle

I finally got that one today XD

I hate the wheel avvies, I have been super close like ten times.......


ANY game avatar :evil_notsmiling: the only ones I have are Advert Attack, Kass Basher, and Eliv Thade, i.e. the easiest ones. I'm just awful at neo flash games I suppose :(


Other than the games, I don't think I'll ever get the FFQ one, haha. To waste it on a Buzz that isn't even a main pet of mine is unthinkable! And getting more than one is quite rare, or so I'm led to believe.

The wheel avatars also elude me, except Misfortune. So many avatars to collect!


I can't seem to get the soup faerie avatar! I've had every np to my name tied up in a trade with a side account, but she doesn't seem very generous today. =(


I had to wait until all three of my pets were dying before I got that one - it REALLY wouldn't work before then, unfortunately.

I'm STILL headdesking over Edna - she's driving me mad.

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