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Granted, but for some odd reason Wil Wheaton would also start playing only to psych you into losing your magic mojo... And succeed. :c


I wish I could control the weather!


Granted, but you hate the game and it gives you multiple viruses.


I wish I was the best Magic the Gathering player in the world.

(Hehehhe he installed it and no virus :D)

Granted but you accidentaly destroyed a city with too much heat.


i wish i would have Pet-Dragon


Granted, but it can't be tamed and runs away.


I wish that TNT would bring back the old neopets layout and staff.


Granted.But then suddenly Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chuck Norris Fiht and the whole Neopets HQ Explodes.


I wish i had Omega Zero´s armor in reallife....


Granted, but you suddenly get bored with it and throws it in the back of your closet where it will spend eternity :c


I wish Sheldon Cooper was real.


Granted, but you don't know that. They're secret. You can never see them, and you never get any new ones because you only wished to have exactly 310 avatars.


I wish I had selective amnesia.


Granted, but you're not the one doing the selecting c;


I wish I was talented enough to work for National Geographic (as a photographer)


Granted. You now have the photography skills required to land a job for National Geographic. The actual job market is still quite terrible though, and you can only manage to spend your life working as a janitor at McDonald's.


I wish I knew who was phone. :(


Granted, but it is later discovered that King Roo was cheating and RI are therefore disqualified.


I wish that TNT would release more non-species specific wigs.


Granted. You are given a stick of dynamite that kills you on detonation, and in the explosion releases a cloud of species-neutral wigs.


I wish Daft Punk was playing at my house. My house.


Granted. Not knowing the first thing about properly managing a planetary government, you promptly run human civilization into the ground.


I wish it kept raining all day. Yes, I'm fine with floods.






But then... it would be scorching hot outside for the next... two days :c


I wish I didn't have to ruin Revenge's wish (I'm also fine with floods :P)


Granted, but in order to do so, you'd have to forsaken Roo Island for all eternity (and King Roo would be sooo mad!)


I wish I could meet Tom Hiddleston. In full Loki attire c:

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