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Can we just talk about breakfast? I guess you can talk about non-breakfast foods too, because food is awesome.


What are you eating right now? What's for dinner? If you could eat anything in the world right at this moment, what would it be? Can you cook?


I've been up all night, yet hadn't eaten since about 10:30pm. It's now 12:30pm and my boyfriend has made me breakfast because he's lovely like that. I have two over-easy eggs on sandwiches with mayonnaise. Biting into something like that after not eating for so long feels wonderful.


What did you eat for breakfast?


I had a peanut butter toast this morning...

I often make grilled cheese for late breakfast...


Well, I'm going to sleep now so I better stop thinking about food!


I had about half a bowl of Cheerios for breakfast this morning.

Right now, I'm craving some Nutella toast. I only have Nutella toast (or waffles) during the night, even though I consider that to be more of a breakfast-y food. :laughingsmiley:

I can cook (somewhat) but my skills are limited to pancakes, pasta and instant ramen. :( I'm more of a baker though.


That sounds so good. :woot: For dinner, I had carne asada fries. Nothing like living a half hour from the Mexican border. Legit Mexican food is amazing.


I hardly ever eat breakfast, but I had the most delicious toast the other day. You would think it was the king of all toasts, the way it tasted. Fantastic.



I normally have cereal everyday with milk of course; mainly Cap'n Crunch's Crunch Berries, Honey Nut Cheerios, or any chocolate cereal for the main part.

I might have some V8 Splash along with it as well.


Right now I'm eating hand cut french fries :3


For dinner I had Chinese Food, that was nomnomnommy. I'm not the biggest fan of breakfast food. Normally, I have a hardbowl egg with horseraddish and a cup of tea or cocoa. Some days I make chocolate chip pancakes or plain waffuls with fruit! If I could have anything in the world I would have a cannoli with a raspberry milkshake. Oh yum! I can cook. I'm like some hipster foodie or something. There is very little I won't eat. I r Skeith.


I rarely eat breakfast but I do like to eat cereal or eggs for dinner sometimes haha. Not sure why. Right now I'm drinking a frappuccino which is about all I'll have until lunch.


My breakfast usually consist of an organic cereal of some sort with organic milk. Sometimes I take a slice of whole wheat bread and spread smooth peanut butter on it and slice up a banana and put the banana slices on it. Then there are some days where I just have honey Greek yogurt....I can be very lazy in the morning.


I almost always have organic yogurt and rye toast, with lots of butter. Rye bread has a very low glycemic index, so it helps to stem carb cravings for the day, and the yogurt is high in protein, so it helps me feel full for longer. Sometimes, I will have some fruit with my breakfast, if I'm not in too much of a hurry.


Today for lunch I had Progresso soup. It only had 200 calories total so I figured it would give me a little boost.


If I could eat anything in the world right now it would be Annie's white cheddar mac and cheese. I'm too full for mac and cheese though.


Coco Pops for breakfast today. Went to the best burger place ever for dinner last night, and had a chicken, satay, and coriander burger. So good.


I might make chocolate chip cookies today...


I destroyed myself last night from a birthday party. I had Chinese food (again. I love it so much) and then cake Cake cookies pop and chips until I could eat no more. I dunno how I'll have for breakfast yet, maybe a beagle with salmon and creme cheese and tomato and onion. There should be a coma somewhere there lol.


Last night I had homeade chicken tenders, brocolli with some sort of butter and garlic....I don't know what to call it and a spoonful of mac n cheese. I feel really gross for eating it. My dad's a great cook I just.....don't care for meat, or butter, or mac n cheese. I dipped the chicken fingers in steak sauce and buffalo sauce.


If I had just had the chicken tenders, I would've been fine. I was hungry all afternoon(even though I had a banana and a greek yogurt with granola)but I don't wanted to overeat.


Breakfast is good at any time of the day! I had a muffin and a glass of milk this morning because I was almost late to work, lol. But usually I have scrambled eggs or a peanut butter/banana sandwich~ And I had a delicious pita wrap for lunch today. This is my kinda topic. 8D


I love making breakfast for dinner! Usually, I will make bacon, sausage, homefries or hashbrowns, and crepes. Sometimes, I will make eggs too, but I don't like the taste of eggs, so I only make them if my husband wants them.


I tend to toast my bread, spread some peanutbutter on it and sprinkle chocolate sprinkles on it. You either love it or hate it, but for me it's one of the few things I can stand in the morning. I might also just take a bowl with some yoghurt and fruit juice mixed.


To heck with my extreme dieting. It was no good in the first place. Today for lunch I had a turkey and salami sandwhich one whole wheat bread with American cheese and a cashew cookie mini LaraBar(for those of who who haven't had a LaraBar they rock!!!)

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