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Donate vs Discard ???



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  1. 1. Donate or Discard ??

    • Donate
    • Discard

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I used to stuff everything in my SDB. After achieving Pat Rack avvie I started discarding for the Rubbish avvie. Now that I have that I still discard. I feel like all those 1np items are just clutter and not really worth anything. 100np-300np items I'll donate, other than that I usually try to sell in my shop.

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I usually just sell everything, but I do discard the shiny obsidian.

Please don't discard the shiny obsidians. :(


I don't know why, but I seem to have a strange habit in that I try and collect as many shiny obsidians (I call them shinies) as possible.


If you have any that you don't want, don't discard them - just send them my way :)

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I donate or sell.

Sometimes if I'm feeling vindictive I'll donate a whole bunch of stuff to the Money Tree and laugh at all the people who complain about it.

Dear, it's a money tree. Not a Coach or Prada or insert other-expensive-brand-here.

If you want expensive items, buy them yourself.

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spotify95 - Once Neo is back up, I'll see how many "shinies" I have in the junk in my SDB and send them on over :)


Anyone else care to join me and see how fast we can fill his inventory???


Haha, a whole day of throwing rocks at someone.... In a nice way!

Sounds great!

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I used to discard everything until I got the avatar. Then I started donating. I figure there will always be a need for junk, there are plenty of people needing junk for the packrat or rubbish avatars, or to use to offer on trades.

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Does anyone know what happens to junk at the Money Tree? Like, do actual players take it, or do you think some of it gets...ahem...disappeared?


People take it. It stays there until someone grabs it up.

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I discard now because of the rubbish avatar. Like... anything under 400np value that I get from dailies or as a battledome prize is getting discarded. Before trying to get the rubbish avatar, my policy was to discard actual junk and donate food, toys, books, or collectables like stamps or scarabs. Usually my donations would be under that 400np value.

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  • 2 months later...

Please don't discard the shiny obsidians. :(


I don't know why, but I seem to have a strange habit in that I try and collect as many shiny obsidians (I call them shinies) as possible.


If you have any that you don't want, don't discard them - just send them my way :)

I do too! I collect every one I get! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I donate items which are possibly useful to others such as food, toys, books, collectibles, and battle items that I don't need or have duplicates of. I discard junk that I get from dailies such as the fishing vortex.

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Since the Rubbish avatar came out I've been discarding my junk. I used to just hoard it all before that. And anything over 100 neopoints I'll sell.

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I used to donate everything but once I started visiting the money tree more and I saw how annoying it is when it's filled with nothing but junk (for me at least), I started discarding more of it. Now I'm kind of going for the rubbish avvie and I'm also selling a lot more.

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I disgard junk like rotten shoes and soggy boxes and so on, depends on what I feel like on the day with things that are more useful like jelly, omelette and the books and toys from the petpet park toy chest. Sure some people buy them, but everyone else's going to be getting them too so... I donated a forgotten shore piece today, no doubt one of the 1np pieces, but hopefully it will be of use to someone.

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Guest wishfulthinker427

I seem to share the consensus. Donate only items of value and discard junk items. I don't normally visit the Money Tree, but I can definitely understand how annoying it is when it's full of junk. That's mostly why I avoid it, honestly. It's refreshing to see that people care enough to try not to spam the Money Tree with useless items.


I definitely have my eyes on that "rubbish" avatar, though, so that will probably affect my future discard/donate choices for a while.

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