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What is the "Quitting" Age for Neopets

Naamah D.

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My mom and brother have said by the time you are in your upper 30s you need to quit playing Neopets. I personally disagree. There is no "age limit" for console games so why should there be one for Neopets?

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I wouldn't say there's necessarily a quitting age. Some people just get bored or feel that they've outgrown it.


I've noticed a good majority of the people on Neo are aged 18-25 and have been playing for a number of years, since the beginning most of them. I myself started playing when I was 10, and I'm 20 now. I don't think I'm too old, and I don't plan on quitting. Ever :P

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Yeah, there's no set age where you HAVE to quit. To be honest, the whole idea of a "quitting age" is just bull, simple as that. Also, I'm pretty sure that there are lots of people who are well past their late thirties who play Neopets.

I'd also like to add that a great number of people who claim they've "outgrown" Neopets are usually around 13-16 years old. I fall into that age group, and I just find it sad as well as slightly ironic that people around my age are gradually losing interest in Neopets. It IS a site geared towards children (this doesn't mean adults can't play) after all...people 13-16 years old are still children, y'know.

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I know of people in their late 30's and early 40's who are still playing games like Neopets and Toontown. It's just something to do to relax and take your mind off things. No shame in having a security blanket. I've been playing basically since the site opened and have grown up with it in my life, so it's just a comfort thing for me. I've always had it to turn to, and I don't plan on quitting unless I get seriously bored of it.

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Yeah, there's no set age where you HAVE to quit. To be honest, the whole idea of a "quitting age" is just bull, simple as that. Also, I'm pretty sure that there are lots of people who are well past their late thirties who play Neopets.

I'd also like to add that a great number of people who claim they've "outgrown" Neopets are usually around 13-16 years old. I fall into that age group, and I just find it sad as well as slightly ironic that people around my age are gradually losing interest in Neopets. It IS a site geared towards children (this doesn't mean adults can't play) after all...people 13-16 years old are still children, y'know.


Qutting ages for games is a rather dumb idea. It'd be like when somebody turns 17 they'd have to quit playing rated E games and play rated M games. I don't plan on quitting Neopets, as long as the site is around.

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I agree with everyone else that there isn't a "quitting" age; the time to quit is if you get bored and no longer enjoy the game. Also, that seems like a really arbitrary age... I understand the mindset of those who say you should quit when you're an adult, even though I don't agree, but upper thirties just seems pretty random. If it's okay to play as an adult, why would there be a certain age of adult that's okay and an age that isn't?

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I'm 21 and love it :) My sister used to give me flack until I got her hooked again..


My brother gives me a hard time about it.




Me: Gabe, I met an adult who plays Neopets, there's no rhyme or reason I can't be like them


Brother: coughcoughNOLIFEcoughcough.

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Qutting ages for games is a rather dumb idea. It'd be like when somebody turns 17 they'd have to quit playing rated E games and play rated M games. I don't plan on quitting Neopets, as long as the site is around.


hahaha agreed. There's no age limit on having fun. There are plenty of older people who play Neopets.


The site was originally designed for bored college students, and they're not the only ones who get bored :rolleyes_anim:


Starlite, going off your posts, you seem to have a lot of people around you who disapprove of what you do at an almost constant rate. Tell them to go shove it, and do what YOU want to do ;)

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hahaha agreed. There's no age limit on having fun. There are plenty of older people who play Neopets.


The site was originally designed for bored college students, and they're not the only ones who get bored :rolleyes_anim:


Starlite, going off your posts, you seem to have a lot of people around you who disapprove of what you do at an almost constant rate. Tell them to go shove it, and do what YOU want to do ;)


You're right, Manta. I love and take pride in my pets. Two minutes ago I registered all 20 of my pets in the Pet Directory on JellyNeo, so everyone can see how well loved and taken care of they are.

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You're right, Manta. I love and take pride in my pets. Two minutes ago I registered all 20 of my pets in the Pet Directory on JellyNeo, so everyone can see how well loved and taken care of they are.


Yay! Go you!! :D :king:


Ooh, that's pretty cool. I've never done that myself, but I imagine that pets listed get noticed a lot more :)

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I plan on quitting when I get married, or get a bit busier in college. I want to have a life outside the internet ^^


But for now, it's a great stress reliever.


Well....I have a life outside the internet. Marrige isn't right for me, even though another Neopian would be nice, we could be a big Neopet family. Our pets would be our kids.

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My husband also plays Neopets, but not very much. My mother-in-law also plays. It was my sister-in-law that got us all started. She's still very active on the site.


Incidentally, I missed getting the Sid avatar on my wedding day. I think it was worth missing that time.

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I plan on quitting when I get married, or get a bit busier in college. I want to have a life outside the internet ^^


But for now, it's a great stress reliever.


Ironically, I had been taking an extended Neopets break, and I didn't start up playing again, until after I got married. I've played daily ever since and it's been over 2 years now. (It was my husband's idea, and he plays too.)

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I understand that by the time you are say 35 you should have out grown the game, but i dont mind older people play as long as they realise that it is meant for children to young adults so they have to be careful about the way the act on neopets

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I understand that by the time you are say 35 you should have out grown the game, but i dont mind older people play as long as they realise that it is meant for children to young adults so they have to be careful about the way the act on neopets


Acting like what? I don't really understand what you mean. When I told somebody(guess who?) that I was in to Neopets and she said in a very unkind way. "At 18 years old, do you seriously think it will matter to you?" She also asked me because I give my pets equal treatment to what I give to my real pets she asked "Well, how is that going to become problemmatic in the future."


1. I'm 18 and it still matters to me


2. No, it will not become problemmatic. I know they aren't real but I treat them with all the love in the world, I take care of them, they're like little friends.


I just think she is a highly ignorant person. Keep in mind she's against derogatory terms for people who are gay, but at the same time she's as Christian as the bible itself and doesn't(and she has said this) believe in gay marriage.

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And? That doesn't make someone ignorant, per se. I'm not saying I share her views (I am not sure where I stand on that issue) but judging whether someone's ignorant on one of their opinions is not really a good measurement of anyone's intelligence, informedness, etc.


Honestly, what I think the problem is, is that they don't understand you. You said you had Aspergers? Or something like that? Not very many people understand it. (I hardly do, and I dated a guy with mild aspergers).

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I am 19 and am turning 20 in ... 17 days (wow!) I'm not going to magically go "Oh I'm not a teen anymore, time to quit!" I'm not going to do it because I've reached a certain age, I'm going to do it when/if I get tired of the game!


I'd keep it to yourself around people who are critical of it, and not worry about what people think. Find people you know who also play and you can enjoy it together! I enjoy playing it with my friends (late teens - early 20s!) You shouldn't feel ashamed or anything!


I think it's good you give your neopets and real pets equal treatment (I wish I had real pets to show this amount of love and attention to!)

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Wow I must be the "Real" oldie on neopets I have just turned 65 and enjoy it as much as I did when I first started. I find it gives me enjoyment being able to help and give to my granddaughter and also great granddaughters. They even think I am smart when I can give them some advice for neopets. It is probably the only advice they don't think Yeah Right! about

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