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Tank Girl

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I absolutely refuse to play Key Quest with strangers anymore!!!


I stopped playing a little while ago cause I was sick of quitters, then today I was like "oh go on then I'll play one game"

2 seconds from winning and the person quits on me.


I only want to play with people on here now, if at all.


It's a shame there isn't a Key Quest wall of shame on Neopets, with say how many times a person has quit on a game.

It shouldn't be against the rules to do so, as long as Neopians aren't allowed to contact those people with abuse. Or at least give us the option to send in a ticket (they should have different ones for KQ) to say who's been quitting, and once that person has enough tickets against them, they should be banned for playing Key Quest for a while.


It's unfair of TNT to create a multi player game where so many people can just cheat, and those who are left in the lurch have absolutely nothing they can do about it for fear of being frozen!!

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there are those smiley faces which show if a person is nice or a quitter .. but heavens I do not understand them at all ...


I too have stopped playing KQ a long time ago because of that


but if you want - I'll play you :)

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I rarely create my own games because anyone can join. I wait until I see a 2 player game that's rated as "green" (someone who rarely if ever quits) and join their game. I have had far less trouble with quitters. Maybe 1 in 20 quit on me. So I guess there is something to be said for the rating system.

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I thought the smiley faces were to do with how good they were at KQ :S


Oh and Rach!!! We need to start doing the 5k a day thing again! I am in dire need of both NP and codestones...

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Ugh, to be bluntly honest, I have little interest in KQ. It's frustrating and takes too long, and the prizes are crappy nowadays. :)


Not true! A friend of mine got a Lab Map piece the other day ^_^

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I got a Striped PB during my last batch of super-playing KQ~!

I never quit on people, but I do seriously disconnect sometimes. >_>;

So I have to have my friend check me on the boards to make sure that my smiley rating hasn't drifted down from green to blue. D:

But I usually join other people's games, anyways.


I wish there was a way to put parameters on games you make. Like, say, not letting people of a certain smiley rating see your game/join you game.

I mean, it doesn't mean that they can't play at all -- they'll just have to, most likely, make their own board or join a game where someone hasn't put the parameters up.

But they have it on Yahoo! games for ratings on each game, and that would be nifty to have added to KQ.

Not that TNT is likely to change anything like that to you know, actually help the players.



But that's never happening.

I'd love to type to people on IMs, so long as TNT could put up censors, but I don't think it's possible with an IMing system.

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Not true! A friend of mine got a Lab Map piece the other day ^_^


I've gotten 2 in the last two days.


Granted, they were 16k and 40k or something like that (cheaper pieces) but still. Also lots of neggs and codestones.


I only play with people I know irl, though I may make an exception for people on here... :)


Usually I play with my boyfriend and we sit across from each other chatting.


It would be nice if the scripted chat went away for people 18+, then they wouldn't have to worry about censors.

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I never ever quit on KQ.... twice I have been bumped from the server, and I instantly send the most apologetic neomail I could to the other players!


And as for the prizes, after about a months of getting nothing but stamps and books, last week I got a speckled paintbrush, a biscut paintbrush, some other paintbrish that I now can't remember and 2 of the piece 1 of the lab map which I sold for 300,000 each! Was a good KQ week for me, I made just shy of a million NP in a week by selling it all!

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I totally understand what you mean. It's understandable if the other person's PC glitched up and they had to restart (happened to me the first and last time I played KeyQuest against IRL people, so I sent a Neomail of apology to the other player), but it's quite rude if they rage-quit.


EDIT: Should have checked my post more before submitting. :P I accidentally put a bracket where it wasn't supposed to go!

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I totally understand what you mean. It's understandable if the other person's PC glitched up and they had to restart (happened to me the first and last time I played KeyQuest against IRL people), so I sent a Neomail of apology to the other player), but it's quite rude if they rage-quit.


I do the same thing, I don't want them to think I quit for any other reason! It's cute when you get one from someone else, everyone's always so apologetic!

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:O Me too! Definitely gonna need to start playing more, with nice peoples not randomers :P

Ill play! Just gotta learn how <_<


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I've never really been eager to play KQ myself. For a start, the game puts quite a big strain on my computer, and most of the mini-games run really slow, so I tend to loose. I also don't feel it's worth the effort for 2-3k and a silver key; I'd rather gamble on Krawps than play KQ (at least the return is much bigger if one gets lucky).

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I know what you mean about it slowing up your computer. Sometimes I can get lucky and the mini games aren't too slow, but usually the entire game just locks up and I cant score any points at all ¬_¬

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I NEVER go on Key Quest. Usually it's filled with insanely rude people who quit when you yourself are about to win. I do like the mini games on there though.

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