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Welcome to May


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TDN welcomes you to the month of May!


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This month, we have these events:

  • Lupe Day on May 2nd
  • Hissi Day on May 4th
  • Tyrannian Victory Day!!! on May 12th
  • Moehog Day on May 14th
  • Koi Day on May 25th
  • Yurble Day on May 28th

Other things to do: Dailies | Monthly Freebies | Faerie Crossword | Pet Transfers | Festival of Neggs Coverage

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Antidepresseur: Blueberry Snow Puff

jubaliciious: Snow Submarine Sandwich

kaihrou: Black Widow Truffle

Sir_Gemely: Spindly Plant


Welcome to May everyone!

I kinda forgot about it... even though I know tomorrow is May 2nd (because of the Canadian's elections).

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I'm really looking forward to Lupe day. I hope they release the perfect color for my Lupe, since he's been blue for 8 years.


Aitvara: Pumpkin Cookies

Lil: Orange Chia Pop

Odefy: Almost Gummy Rat (Strawberry)

Spritzie: Snowberry Chia Pop

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I got Flat Bread, Stale Bread, and a Clawmatoe for my pets from the freebies. Of all foods, why did they choose those? <_<


Anyway, yay free training for my Lupe tomorrow! :D

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My pets went for spooky foods this month. :P


Cliquez: Jellied Eyeballs

Drakovitch: Jellied Eyeballs

Frostgleam: Octornapie

sun_reichardt: Sand Orange

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Now that it's the 1st of May that's means that in two days(if you count today)it's going to be half price day(aka the third of the month)! On that day I can buy LiliAnna whatever her little heart desires


Due to the fact my account is under 30 days old, I'm glad to say that I went out and bought LiliAnna some gifts(I actually bought her the gifts before I knew about monthly freebies but whatevs:)


Off topic: My grandpa's birthday is on the 7th, he's gonna be like 80 something. My grandparents some of the best people in the world:)

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Woohoo, just collected my freebies. c:


carisha975103: Nautilus

Eligibility: Mynci Meat Pie

miniyassy: Bitten Green Apple

RAV4: Sand Squash


Now I wish RAV4 was still a Yurble. XD

Anyway, welcome to May! This is going to be a good month. :D

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Hooray for May!!! I can get that Tyrannian Kougra transferred to my side now :laughingsmiley:




Gianna115: Slug Flakes

Krysha_20: Stuffed Dorkle Pepper

SarafinaBelle: Woo Woo Grub

Willow_Eevee: Sandwich

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Magic board!!! LOL


Something has happened!

You find a piece of the secret laboratory map!



Asuwen -Crab Apple Chia Pop

FerociousFerocity-Dried Gruel Capsules

Senairre -Lemon Sprinkle Doughnut

Vettetra -Snow Banana


Also trying for hissi's (going for two this time!), plus yay Moehog and Yurble day! SO PUMPED!

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Huh, instead of Blossom getting the Gross Food as she almost always does, she got something edible instead!!! o_O Very strange. But, as always, if Blossom doesn't get the gross food someone else has to, and that's Blankstarr. Perhaps they got the wrong food?


Anyways, I'll tell you what my pets got:


Blankstarr: Jellied Eggs (tossed out, he will instead get some Jelly Food from me)

KP: Pteri Wrap

Shuhune: Pteri Kabob

Blossom: TeaLeef Sandwich (yummy!)

Must be some Pteri themed event coming...nope no Pteri Day this month, maybe it's the birthday of a friend of theirs who is a Pteri, and not to worry, that food they chose contains no actual Pteri. ;)


Now, Lupe Day...hope the picture I submitted for the Art Gallery gets in, and free training for Illhaze! She could use some, I think!

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Koi Day on May 25th, I have a Koi and don't mind giving lele_lol (my Koi) some free training myself. (:

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