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Dusty examined Kabuto throughly. "You have a few scrapes. Fortunatly, your shell took most of the damage." he said to Kabuto. Dusty reached into his backpack and pulled out a medical kit. A potion was retrieved from the kit and Dusty carefully sprayed it on Kabuto. "Are you okay?" he asked. Kabuto replied with a few clicking sounds.

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"It's good to see that the pokemon didn't hurt you. Well, I'm off to Rustboro. Roxanne needs a match, see ya! Unless, of course, you guys come." Cleo started to walk away.


"I'm coming! That was great Dusty!" Seika said, running after her.


"Yep!" Cleo ran. "Come on guys!"


((should we have a time-lapse? skip everything until we get to the gym? or do any of you have something to add to it?))


((okay, coolio. Well, .....yeah....let the rp....continue...lol)


Dusty lifted up Kabuto and placed the Pokemon on his shoulder. He checked to see if he had everything. "I believe Kabuto and I are ready for Rustboro. I heard that Devon Corporation HQ is located there. I'm excited to see how the whole thing works."


Seika put Ralts back in his Pokeball, and Eevee jumped up on her sholder. "I've got things for me! I can't wait to challenge Roxanne as well!"


"I'm going to get the new pokenav....supposedly very high-tech." Cleo skipped. 'I think I'll need two pokemon to fight Roxxanne....One doesn't seem like enough."


Im coming! shouted Brian "And I now have a water pokemon!" He looked at his totodile playing happily with Bagon. "THey sure are good friends!"


Sonny was entering Rustboro city alongside his gastly

"how about we can challenge the gym tomorrow but tonight, we gather up supplies and i make a decent meal for myself, you, Treecko, pidgy and torchic, you all know how good my food is" as he said walking along the high street looking for the right ingriedients


((Yep. He is allowed to be were he is))

((I've made a definite level for my pokemon, level 13. Everyone, make a definite level. Your attacks will be based on the level. Egg moves and level ups are counted for known attacks.))

((Also, note how many TMs need to be noted. I used three, so I gues I have three TMs. Thunder, poison, rain dance))

((HMs are only allowed after defeating a gym leader))


Cleo walked to a rock and sat down. She pulled out a map. "We're only a few miles away from Rustboro. There's a bridge over the water that we can take. It's right over there." Cleo pointed to a bridge in the distance. "That's where we're going. Apparently, a lot of pokemon can be found there." Cleo started to run. A little later, she saw a wynaut, drinking from the lake. "That's mine! Shuppet, use confuse ray!" The Wynaut was scared, but couldn't run in time. It got confused and started hitting itself. It rolled on the ground, hitting itself. "Wyna!" Cleo took out a pokeball, but knew it wasn't time yet. "Shuppet, use knock off!" Shuppet hit wynaut. Wynaut struggled a little, then hit itself. Cleo threw the pokeball. It moved a little, but then it stopped moving. Cleo picked it up. "Yes!"


(( My Kabuto is level six. Scratch and Harden are the attacks. ))


Dusty smiled. "Congratulations!" he shouted to Cleo as he walked over to the lake. Dusty looked down into the crystal clear water and saw a school of Magikarp swim by. Kabuto crawled off of his body and slipped into the water. A small stream of bubble came up to the water's surface. "C'mon Kabuto. We better get going if we want to get to Rustboro soon." Kabuto returned from the water. "You were thirsty, weren't you? I'm sure you're hungry too. Once we get to Rustboro, I'll take you to the Pokemon Center to rest in and get fed."


((Ok, Eevee is level 15, Ralts 12, and Vulpix 13. Vulpix has a Flamethrower TM. Eevee has an Iorn Tail TM. Ralts has a Secret Power TM.))


Eevee spotted a Gloom in the bushes. "Eev!" it poited out to Seika. "Huh? Oh, all right. Go for it!" Eevee hopped off her shoulder and faced the Gloom. "Iorn Tail!' Eevee attached the Glom and KOed it with a fair bit of ease. Seika caught it quickly.


((Um... level 14 for the Gloom.))


Dusty began walking away from the lake. Loud clicks were coming from Kabuto. "What's the matter? You found something?" asked Dusty as he looked back at the lake. Kabuto went into the water and stood still. Dusty saw an odd rock next to Kabuto. He stretched out his right arm and reached for the rock in the water. He grabbed it and tugged it from the bottom of the lake. The rock had an odd shape jutting out of it's side. Almost like a shell. Dusty wiped some mud off of it and placed it into his backpack. "That's was an interesting find, Kabuto. Thank you for alerting me. I'll study it more once we get to the Pokemon Center." he said as Kabuto crawled out of the lake.



lvl 9


water gun





lvl: 15












"Nice gloom...and rock...I've never seen something like it. I think the head of Devon Corp. likes artifacts. He might know about the rock." Cleo was already half-way through the bridge and getting closer to Rustboro.


"Wait up!" Seika said, putting Gloom's pokeball with the others and going after Cleo.


Dusty gathered his gear and Kabuto. He then started walking across the bridge. If the head of the Devon Corp. was interested in artifacts, could he truly figure out what this rock is? Dusty assumed that the rock may be a fossil, but since the thing was almost completely covered in stone, he couldn't be sure. The only thing noticible about the rock was the odd shape coming out of it's side. Dusty then started thinking about the gym leader Roxanne. If she had rock type Pokemon, then he wouldn't have an advantage over her. The battle would pretty much be leveled out. Dusty then spoke up. "So... how strong is Roxanne?"


"Pretty stong from what I've heard. And, as you know, she speicalizes in Rock types. Do you know if Kabuto has any water attacks? They'd come in handy. Or we can at least find a TM." Seika said.


((Bubblebeam is one of Kubto's egg moves.))

((SHould we go by the show of Emerald for the Leader Pokemon/levels?))


(( my pokemon level are:

Gastly: Level 17




Night Shade





Treeko: Level 14




Quick Attack



Bullet Seed


Torchic: Level 10




Focus Energy





Pidgey: Level 12




Sand Attack

Quick Attack





((i dunno about the gym, but when someone battling in the gym, which user should be the leader?, because it be weird battling ourselves))


Reaching into his backpack, Dusty pulled out his booklet about Kabuto and turned to it's page on attacks. As his eyes scrolled down the page, he noticed the words "Egg Moves". Dusty stared at the words, confusingly and began to read. Egg Moves are moves that a Pokemon inherits from their parents. Egg moves that Kabuto can inherit are Bubblebeam, Aurora Beam, Rapid Spin, Dig, Flail, Knock Off, and Confuse Ray. Dusty looked over the sentence a few times and then stuffed the booklet back into his backpack. Why didn't I read that before? This means that I can have an advantage over Roxanne. That is, if Kabuto ever inherited one of these moves. "Kabuto." Dusty said as he placed Kabuto on the ground. "I'm going to say these moves and when you hear a move that you have, please use it on that nearby tree." Dusty pointed towards a large and sturdy tree. He then began saying each move slowly. When saying the move Bubblebeam, a large stream of bubbles escaped from Kabuto and pounded against the tree. "Alright, Kabuto! Great job!" shouted Dusty. He rubbed Kabuto's hard shell and picked the Pokemon up. "I think Kabuto and I can handle Roxanne."

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