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The Lab Rays: What happened today?

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The ray is fired at Ashwynne...


... and she gains 2 strength points!!!!



The ray is fired at Ashwynne...



... and she goes down to level 1 :(


Your fears that the Kookith didn't actually know what the heck he was doing are confirmed when Sir Bob of Geraptikusuddenly disappears, leaving no trace.


None. Nada. Zip. Ziltch.


Guess it's time to buy a new Petpet.



ARGH!!! How many times is this gonna happen to me? This has gotta be at least the 4th time in the last 6 months that my petpet got 'poofed' :(


Petpet: petpetlab_soot.gif


Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Frankie for you and you head home.


Pet: The ray is fired at Zarloid... ...and he goes down to level 1 :( (He was at Level 3!)


Side pet:

The ray is fired at Amanda_342...


... and she gains 3 strength points!!!!






But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.


Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow.


The ray is fired at mr_Aisha... lab_lightning.gifaisha_yellow_sad.gif

... and he changes into a Green Cybunny!!



Oh of course. What with its name being mr_Aisha and all.... but omg a Cybunny I've always wanted one!!! ;u; I think I'll keep him and get a new lab pet...


Pet: Lost 2 Defense Points

Petpet: Nothing Happened


Hee hee hee!

The ray is fired at anie513273... and she gains 3 defence points!!!!


But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.


Petpet: But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.


Pet: The ray is fired at Zarloid... ...and he changes gender!!!! (Awww.. now he's not cross-dressing!)


Side pet:


The ray is fired at Amanda_342...


... and she gains 3 movement points!!!!







But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.


Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow.


Pet: Gained 2 Movement Points

Petpet: Zapped into a Scamander


Hee hee hee!

The ray is fired at anie513273...

... and she gains 3 movement points!!!!


PetPet: Nothing


Didn't post results yesterday, I was at Cedar Point all day so I just had time to use my zaps and then I went straight to bed; Ash had 'No Change' and then a gender change, new petpet was zapped into a pile of soot on it's very first go (stoopid petpet ray..).. So here's today's results..


The ray is fired at Ashwynne...


... and he gains 3 movement points!!!!



The ray is fired at Ashwynne...



... and he loses 2 movement points!!!!


Figures; 3 steps forward, 2 back :P




Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.


You should come back tomorrow and try again!


Oh my gosh, too cute!!! I think I'm gonna keep it for a while :)


Petpet: But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.


Pet: The ray is fired at Zarloid... ...and she gains 5 maximum hit points!!!!


Pet: Gained 2 Strength Points

Petpet: Turned into a Pile of Soot


Cruddy Pile of Soot again, after being a Scamander for a day. Still awaiting a colour or species change...


The ray is fired at anie513273... and she gains 2 movement points!!!!


Petpet: Nothing


The ray is fired at Ashwynne...



... and he gains 3 strength points!!!!



The ray is fired at Ashwynne...



... and he gains 3 strength points!!!!



My zaps end today, about 40 min. so, I'll be opening another cookie :D




Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.


You should come back tomorrow and try again!


*sigh* I really liked my Blue Tigermouse, but, I needed to zap 1 of them and the Plushie Angelpuss and Island Rock won out (my Mazzew isn't avatar ready yet..)



You have opened the cookie! Here is your fortune!

The best zap you receive is always the last. After that, you quit zapping.

You have received 1 EXTRA Lab Ray zap's each day for 7 days! Your time starts now so head over to the Lab Ray and get zapping!




The ray is fired at Ashwynne...



... and she doesn't change at all :(




Petpet: Frankie shall now be known as Pants McGee. How nice.


Pet: The ray is fired at Zarloid... ...and she loses 2 strength points :(


Pet: Gained 2 Levels

Petpet: Name changed to Dirigibles


Hee hee hee!

The ray is fired at anie513273... lab_lightning.gifogrin_cloud_sad.gif

... and she changes gender!!!!



But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.


Stat changes on lab #1 and #2 :c And I just got a new lab pet too /:

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