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The Lab Rays: What happened today?


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The ray is fired at randomsilliness...



... and she changes into a Blue Lupe!!


... finally !!!! now if (s)he will turn into a Lupe with clothes so I could transfer the clothes to drastan

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Yesterday my lab ray turned my Elephante (zapping pet got from the pound) chocolate!


does anyone want it? I normally just bung them back in the pound once I've zapped them, but I wondered if it's okay to ask here if people want them? (if its not sorry ;) )

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Lost 2 movement points. BOO :(

Whenever I try for stats, I get reduction or lame colour changed.

When I try for colour, I get stats, but it's always on a pet I don't really want to train. D:

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i hardly get anything .. i spent the whole last week having no changes at all :P


anyway .. darkinvention finally changed ..


Hee hee hee!

The ray is fired at darkinvention...



... and she changes into a Red Elephante!!

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