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The Lab Rays: What happened today?

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Ahh second day of using the lab ray (i got a level reset the first day) and my jubjub is now strawberry!!! Which is my favourite sort of jubjub, only annoying thing is that i was going to use that pet to try to get avvies (like a coconut jubjub) but now he's turned into my dream pet! Perhaps I should just adopt another pet to be my lab rat...


The ray is fired at your pet...


... and he changes colour to Electric!!


:Dblue electric kacheek, interesting zaps for 2 days *feels happy*


my Lab Pet - currently a Tuskaninny , changed into ROBOT today ...




well . I was going to make him a Yellow Ogrin today , hoping for a Robot ..


Right Color / Wrong Species




....... i will keep on zapping


Nothing interesting for my pets (Though I will get to zap my lab pet on my main as soon as i get it back on my account.)


But my petpet zapped into a Faerie Hoovle.


I got a beautiful Faerie Kazeriu for a petpet today !!!


not sure what to do with it though :sad01_anim:


My tyrannian flotsam zapped into a LUTARI yesterday! :D


Should I zap again and hope for a color, or give up?

It's a dilemma because part of my neopet's character is that she is never satisfied with what she is (her name is Pet_Envy, after all)


EDIT: Oh, gosh! I decided not to zap her and chose one of my other pets instead, and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED??




Hee hee hee!

The ray is fired at Undateiker...

... and she changes into a Green Uni!!



Wow... I coulda lost it right away... :|

Posted (edited)

The ray is fired at Tretona...



... and he changes colour to Zombie!!


Yeyy :)


He'll be UFA soon :P



The ray is fired at Tarafi...



... and he changes colour to Maraquan!!


Woooo first Maraquan zap :D

Edited by Saxen

The ray is fired at Alex_SaDiablo...

... and he loses 2 movement points!!!!


Petpet: The Kookith begins wildly pushing buttons on the console, which looks to be made of cardboard and... Achyfi cans?! This can't be right! You begin formulating a plan to rescue your Petpet and run far, far away, but it's too late. The ray has already been fired...


Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Aline for you and you head home.


Bengii turned Maraquan today. An exciting zap but I'm not sure if I like it or not. Maybe I'll keep him like that maybe not. That's my first expensive zap I believe though.


YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! My formerly (zapped) Invisible Acara changed to Desert! A Desert Acara has been on my list of goals since they came out with it. Now, I don't have to buy the paintbrush and can use the clothes on my permie Acara--this one is a lab rat.


My Speckled Pteri turned Brown today.


And my petpet on my main was zapped into a Halloween Meepit.



I wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt the Meepit :D :D hehe


my petpet was zapped into oblivion for the 3rd time in a month !!!!


My yellow korbat turned into a blue kacheek.

And my petpet turned from this creepy dragon thing to a faerie cobrall. too bad i don't like that colour on cobrall :(

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