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Well, that sucks. My 100% Battledome Record is gone now, courtesy of a Fury loss and recently a Brute loss. I'm 3 shy, but even aiming to draw is difficult since my tactics are already defensive and not that much aggressive.


I wonder if I can borrow that Ylanas Blaster that was being graciously loaned since I'm oh so close and yet so far...



I don't think I have anything worth it in regards to collateral, I used most of my bank account to just get the Ylanas Blaster I already own.

Don't sweat the perfect record. A 100% win record just means you're not challenging yourself (and that you're never fighting plot bosses).


I've neomailed you about Blaster.


ETA: Mr. Sirius has borrowed the Blaster. Collateral: Oop, Steaming Skeem Potion, Golden Compass, 393733np. Good luck!


i have the hat. i guess ill go buy a greater healing scroll but they are overpriced atm. ah well


I just sold my hat for twice what i paid for it :D YAY! I've sold all my weapons I had laying around that were not good for anything!! I almost feel bad taking peoples nps..... almost :D


Thanks again Balance! Don't think I could have done it without you!!


Oh and I think downsize is the BEST and so is burrow... if you can get that ability... then GET IT! it saved me alot! AND I really think I'll be able to up my game on the DON now thanks to all this battle skill I have now! *pats self on back*


that would be awesome what would you like for collateral


now picture a battledome without downsize. aka stock up for when they go retired anyone with the np would pay to buy it. they'd very quickly elivate to "thyoras tear" status XD


Phew, finally reached the cap on the Furies! That was pretty close, but a couple of lucky freezes tipped the balance. :yes:


Congrats =) I am hoping to work out something with livvy. i just need 4 more =)


Probably noone is still up but i finally capped the furys yaaaay. Thanks to Livvy for her very generous loan of her greater healing scroll. Saved my life. :wub_anim:






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Im surprised that someone is actually on at this hour lol its 3am where i am. im a total night owl which makes this plot more difficult i guess lol. im always afraid im gonna miss something when i sleep lol.


Yes! I read furries all the time and I actually started typing furries in most of my posts too and I was too lazy to change it.


There's no way I'm gunna cap anything by the next step. I was never prepared for this, because the battledome, isn't my strong point, D:

But I'm training and fighting, and I've done slightly better than I thought I would, lol... All I wanna do is kill 5 of each, I don't care about the caps right now, LOL.

Right now, I'm glad I'm not Taffieh.. poor girl. She's been fighting non stop for days, D: Went form Delighted, to Miserable. managed to get her up to Happy though.


no kidding. i dont mind a fight or two just not waiting for 2 days alfter i cap all of mine. im ok with waiting another day but alfter five days your on your own imo


I'm hoping it runs until midnight. My husband hasn't been able to get the achievements yet. Plus, I wouldn't mind making it into a couple more tiers. But the tiers are moving so slowly now.


......This seriously sucks.....I've got the first two acheivments but I've no idea how to do the last one. I'm not going to read all the other posts so forgive me if you've already answered this.


I am also seriously running out of things to use against the stupid demon things. Grrr...I've used alot of my best stuff too. What I need to do isget my hp up for the Neopet I use.


Anyone care to donate some healing potions? Lol


kill five of each and read my first page.


{points down at my signature}


btw that not a dig intended at you when i say it. just i keep noticing people dont seem to read my first page. i went to a lot of work to make that guide.


kill five of each and read my first page.


{points down at my signature}


Ah, sorry Rampage, totally forgot you are the one who gets all the info together ^__^


But that scuks T__T I can't even beat the brute guy once T__T looks like I wont be completeing this plot....:(


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