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It would be awesome if we got more BD challengers AND a puzzle! :)


Ps. How do you guys know that the news are coming today? I believe that the next news post will be only tomorrow.

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Im back. My bussiness venture didn't go quite so well this weekend {boo} but i am here to cover the plot {YAY!}


There should be a plot update but no word on if its a step of just a comic. personally I am hoping for just a comic today.

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TNT said on Friday's news that there would be a plot update on Monday, and today is Monday, so that's how we know.


Still think so? :D


EDIT: the new are in and still nothing, just as I suspected.. :(

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I'd love to see another plot point come out but I'm probs gonna be in bed before it does - our clocks went back and my brain is now desperately telling me it's bed time even though my clock is telling me it isn't...


I'd like a puzzle next though, as I am still training my pet in the battledome department, and my next 14 codestones have to go towards level...

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Eh, I still hold that patience pays off in this respect - better a great plot step late than a glitchy one early. :yes:


TNT is fired. There was no plot update, as they said there would be.


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I have mixed feelings on this non-update. It means that I wasn't late for it because of drama and get to be here when it first arrives (assuming it's tomorrow), but it also means GRR, NO PLOT STEP on the Neoboards. :guiltysmiley: ...I think I'll just avoid them for today. No need to venture into the madness with no information to retrieve anyway.

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I'm really hoping the release today is something interesting, even if it's just a comic. I'd love for it to be either, completely unexpected, or have some new explanation for some of the things going on.

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At the rate this is going, I'm thinking the plot update will only be up with tomorrow's news. :(


I'm thinking/hoping it will be up with today's, since they've had since... sometimes long ago... to get it going.

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I'm no longer predicting anything TNT does. I'm just hopeful something happens today. Even a comic would be nice.


Same here. I just don't believe anything they say about the plot anymore and will not predict anything, but it would be nice if we get the next step by Christmas! :mellow:

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