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It was in Faerieland, remeber who was the host of this year's festival? :whistle:


Somehow I think this is related to some dark faerie...

Y'know, if it was in Faerieland, and Faerieland crashed, and the faeries are still stone...

What happens when stone crashes to ground?

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Its a magical petrification. Probably isnt going to shatter them but it does make me wonder how many faerie artifacts litter the area.

Aaaand when all is said and done, I assume that's how Hanso's going to make his exit. :P

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Y'know, if it was in Faerieland, and Faerieland crashed, and the faeries are still stone...

What happens when stone crashes to ground?


That is a good question. I think they'll be fine though...I mean, TNT wouldn't just kill off all of the faeries, right? :crying: I'm still wondering what's going to happen to Faerieland in general though. The fact that it's still up I guess means that it's not going to just be destroyed forever but I wonder if it's going to float back up at the end of the plot or if it's just going to be smushed into the ground now forever.

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I think there leaving it alone for right now so as to make us wonder. Thinking logically about it, TNT likes messing with everyone. So be leaving it, we start talking. Then we end up making theorys. All of that = laughter for TNT.

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I think the delay is a pretty smart move on their part though - it lets them run the GMC just fine without having to rush any part of the plot. :yes:

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Yeah I'm pretty glad that they did do that. Too much stuff all at the same time wouldn't be any fun. This way the plot will last a little bit longer too. I wouldn't be surprised if it just ran straight through the advent calendar though because thats pretty much a one-click daily anyway, right? I wonder how much longer this plot will go on...

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So... we won't have to do anything because Xandra will be busy getting her free training?


Or perhaps this was all some elaborate plot by Xandra to extort the Royal Xweetok colours out of TNT? :P

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I just can't believe that faerieland has crashed! As one person pointed out, since when is faerieland in the haunted woods? Plus, neopia wouldn't be neopia without faeries! I can't wait to see how TNT pulls this together to save the faeries.

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I hope it's not gonna come down to a NP donation thing. What are NPs gonna do to fix things? Stack them up so we can put Faerieland on top of them? o.O

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I hope it's not gonna come down to a NP donation thing. What are NPs gonna do to fix things? Stack them up so we can put Faerieland on top of them? o.O


I agree. How would donating np help save faerieland? You can't rebuild magic with money. You need magic! I bet we have to defeat Xandra (or this shapeshifter creature if that's not really Xandra) and then all of the magic will explode out and restore faerieland when the bad guy is defeated.

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I'm pretty sure I remember when Faerieland first existed. You needed like, a totem or something to go there and I have vague recollections of being furious because I couldn't get one from where I lived. Or perhaps I was too lazy. Either way, it was all very exciting and something was unsatisfactory about it for me.


I'd hoped it'd be back up and running by December, but I guess not. I hope that if it IS dead, there'll be something to replace the Healing Springs. I promised my daughter that when the Faeries are back to normal, they'd heal her pet's Ugga-Ugga :/


Anyway, the point is, it'll be totally weird to have been around to witness the birth AND destruction of a Neopian land.

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I´m a little bit "angry" about the last step. 100.000 TP?!

Like to paste an quote: "Lose? I don't lose! I win!" AND "...that's my job, that's what I do!" :D

Realy, in real Life, if there is a Fight, and i KNOW that i´ll lose it.... i´m not stupid like that go into the Fight.

Ok, you could say "If you dont fight, you have already losed!" but... NO lets fight another Day when the Chances are may be better.

You couldn´t realy explain to me - that you would do otherwise.


This Step from TNT dosn´t make sense! Oh it make´s sense, but it has nothing to do with the Plot.


Did anyone know at wich Date the Plot goes on?


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