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New Game Challenge: Kookia


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If nothing else, the game is really cute. I like the little noises that they make.

And it raises the question, why would a hoard of rampant Kookiths be a BAD thing? :P

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I remember this game being a LOT easier when it was in beta testing. I can't pass the second level now, and I made it a lot further than that before. I'm not very happy right now.

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Wow, they are super cute. But I agree there that I'm only getting to round two. But playing on hard I beat Abigail's score after round one though. I think this would be easier if I had a mouse also. The track pad on my laptop doesn't seem to mesh with clicking the ghost ones and it makes it hard to hit the space bar to slow time too.

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Meh, I scored 15420. Anyone here scored enough to beat AAA?


I was going so well in the game. I was doing 100% click accurateness. but then I sneezed in the middle, and all my focus went down. :sad01_anim:

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I beat the game on both Easy and Normal. I finished Normal with 88,000 points, so you definitely need to beat it on hard to beat AAA. Either that or you have to be a master of getting every consecutive bonus. I don't have time right now to try to get through it on Hard.


I also noticed that the game works better if you play it on low quality. It's a lot more smooth that way.

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I just finished normal and got 120500. Man they go so quickly in the end o_O

I'm kind of interested to see how fast they fly in Hard mode XD


And I hate the boss lol. The Kookiths he flings out go everywhere and disappear too quickly ;_;

Is there a bonus for capturing 80%+ with the boss?


I'm just reading the instructions again and it says you can slow down time... (I didn't see that the first time lol) =__=;

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:laughingsmiley: I was talking to my husband last night, not being able to figure out how to beat any of them. Now reading this, I remember it gave choices of difficulty. I had totally forgotten about that. I got 15k on easy and was so confused. Ugh, I really need to sleep more. Well, I guess I need to try a harder level, now that I know what the game is about.

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I don't think it's possible to beat him on normal. I thought I was about to, but there's just not enough rounds. (I was getting in the 100% to 90% range in all levels.) Haven't tried it on Hard yet.

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When I played on normal and hard on my laptop, I couldn't get past level 2. But on easy, I get all the way to the end. This computer just lags too much. I'll have to do it at work. I will beat AAA if it kills me. :laughingsmiley:

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I FINALLY got past the second level on Hard and beat the game. My final score was only 203,400. :( I need to work on my consecutive bonuses quite a bit.

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I've only played it in hard, because I figured it was the only way to beat AAA. I was having the hardest time passing level 2. All of a sudden I pass level two (for the first time) and got to level five on that try. Still I was only able to get a little over 190,000... 300,000 feels so far away. :sad02:

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I played it for the first time on "hard" and got 39,500.


I clicked the whole time, even though you don't have to, just to make sure that I hit that ghosts. I found that if I just set my cursor over them I would forget to click, so I just clicked like crazy and that way I got the ghost ones too! :evo:

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