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Congrats on your Draik Angelo! :D When I get the pages updated, I'll get her added to list.


I'll get yours added as well, Linsta. And I think that looks really nice.


Anisha, new graphics would be cool. :D Let me know if you need anything.


Also, Angelo, she is a TDN-vet, as well as one of the Draik Lair founders.


Thanks Spritzie .. that would b lovely .. She will proudly join TDN Draik Army :)


@Sweetdang : last month .. there were about 4-5 of them on the TP , getting competitive , i lurked a bit until someone was selling "cheap" .. I offered 600k (was ready to up it to 800k if needed) and they accepted .. said they liked my account(s) :) right now there's only one for sale .. but really they can be found in bulk sometimes and would deflate ...


@Everyone- So new graphics, it is! :D


@Angelo - It's nice to meet you. :) And yay! I am a veteran TDNer. :laughingsmiley:



Okay, I decided to make the 'leader names banner thingy' first as it seems to be the easiest.




It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be. It's kind of blurry and the edges seem off (Fixed). :D What do you guys think? Does it need any changes? ^^


I'll poke Manta on FB about picking hers.


Divya, she liked the Royal Girl Draiks the best, so something from that.



Okay, the Royal Draik for Divya.


What about you? :D And oh, let me know when Manta responds!


I sent her the message. :D I'll check for a reply a little later. I sent you a PM with mine.


Once they're all finished, I'll update the first page with them.


Certainly. :nod: When I am done with these, I will start working on the main banner. I am hoping to make it a little wider than the original one. =D Maybe a mixture of different Draik images.


That sounds great! :D I can't wait to see everything.


If there's anything I can help with, let me know.


I will let you know for sure. :nod:




Done. :D Anything that needs to be changed? Lighting? Texture? :)


EDIT: Made it a little darker. ^^


I finally got the Draik owner's page up-to-date. :D If I'm missing anyone, please let me know and I'll get it added.


It's HERE.



Posted. :)


And for plenty more to come!


I've still been thinking of repainting Uvertira (that's not new lolz!) but I just can't figure out the perfect color for him...I still like the Desert color but I feel something is missing...


Just keep watching. You'll know when they release the color that's perfect for him. :D


At the prices the eggs are at right now, I'm almost considering another one. I'd probably wait around for Wraith or something.


That's what I'm hoping for :laughingsmiley:


Wow, you'll be the main leader of having the most Draiks on DL if you continue to get more Spritzie :3


Can't blame you though! They're so pretty and customizable :D


thanks Spritzie for adding Alsou , she is very thrilled :)


so if I change her color/customization the picture will update itself , right ? :)


Yes it will. :) I used a image link that automatically updates with any changes, as soon as you make them.


Ah, how many cold dark nights did i spend standing in the rain on the cold, wet, virtual pavement, gazing longinly in through the window of your warm little Draik Lair and wishing i could come inside.........

And finally, i have a girl of my own to love and hug and squeeze :woot:

And she's called Sylphie and this is her.....



Welcome to the Draik Lair, to both you and Sylphie! :D


Wow! She's absolutely gorgeous! I love her customization. The gold color fits in so nicely! :D


Could I add her to the Draik Lair Draik page?


Woodnymph: Your choice of feathers and skin tone on your Draik... is so elegant. Welcome to the Draik Lair.

Also, I do enjoy the scenery you chose for her, it's a very pleasant view of Mystery Island if you ask me. Take very good care of her. :)

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