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Lost Desert takes the 5th Altador Cup!

Marabot 108

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Disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).


Well, this is Co, reporting to you for the last time during Altador Cup V!



Let's start off the with big match, Lost Desert vs. Krelduor. On the first day, Lost Desert grabbed Yooyuball, which Kreludor was still able to draw on the second day. Lost Desert took Slushie Slinger both days where Kreludor took Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown on the first day only. Lost Desert came back from their Yooyuball draw taking Shootout Showdown and drawing Make Some Noise the last day. Congratulations to Lost Desert, the ACV Champions, and Kreludor for claiming 2nd place and the best Make Some Noise record!


The bronze-deciding match had Darigan Citadel and Roo Island playing it out. The Minions beat the Roos in Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger, and Make Some Noise both days, then drew Shootout Showdown once and lost once. Congratulations Darigan Citadel for taking 3rd place this year!


For 5th Place, and "Honorary Powerhouse" was Maraqua and Virtupets. Maraqua took Yooyuball and Slushie Slinger both days, leaving Virtupets with Shootout Showdown both times. Make Some Noise was close, Maraqua and Virtupets each took it one day. In the end Maraqua ended in 5th once again, and had the best Yooyuball record at 25-6-7.


Meridell against Krawk Island was far from close. The Pirates swept the first day and the beat the Knights again at Shootout Showdown on the second day. Meridell's only win was in Slushie Slinger and they also drew Yooyuball, both on the second day. So, another past winner ends at 7th.


Tyrannia vs. Terror Mountain was an interesting match. Both teams were expected to lose their matches in the semifinals. Both teams won Yooyuball once, but Terror Mountain topped out two side games: Shootout Showdown and Make Some Noise, contrary to Tyrannia's in Slushie Slinger. Terror Mountain took 9th place. Both teams ended with records, Terror Mountain with 36-0-2 in Shootout Showdown, and Tyrannia with 33-3-2 in Slushie Slinger.


Haunted Woods and Shenkuu was the other Tier 3 match. Shenkuu caught the Zombies with their ninja skills and dominated Yooyuball both days. Haunted Woods grabbed Slushie Slinger, and Make Some Noise ending in a draw... both days! Shootout Showdown ended in a draw the first day and was taken by the Zombies on the second day. Shenkuu ended in 11th.


Brightvale did amazing against Mystery Island. Their wise tactics succeeded to win Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise in both days, as well as Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown once! Mystery Island was able to win Yooyuball the first day then draw Shootout Showdown the second. Brightvale ended in 13th.


Faerieland did not finish in the bottom 3 this year, which is a remarkable achievement! After beating the Kikos both days in Yooyuball, the sidegames were close. They took Slushie Slinger and Shootout Showdown on Day 2, but only drew with Shootout Showdown on day 1. Kiko Lake won Make Some Noise twice and Slushie Slinger once. Faerieland ended in 15th.


In the final match, Altador and Moltara were battling to avoid dead-last. Yooyuball was the same as last time, draw day one, win for Altador day two. Moltara took Shootout Showdown both days and Make Some Noise and Slushie Slinger on one day. Altador was only able to grab a Make Some Noise win and Sluhsie Slinger draw, but still came on top. Moltara ended in last at 18th.


This is Co, singing out for the last time this year! Thanks from me, HBK, AA, Noog, Grant, BJ, Alberto, Kyle and Zant! This is the TDN Altador Cup reporters, wishing you another successful year of scoring Yooyuballs, making a LOT of noise, slinging those infinite slushies and confronting that Jelly Chia. Hope to see you next year- here on TheDailyNeopets!

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Woooo 5th place! BOO-YEAH! :woot:


Congrats to Lost Desert for finally winning ;) and better luck next year Kreludor!

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Woo. Congratulations to Lost Desert for winning!

Still bummed about Moltara getting 18th. Ah well, there's next year!


P.S. Had a speech dedicated for Moltara prepared, but found out it a bit lengthy. Link is here.

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Congratulations to LD. You guys did tremendously well!


So close!

Oh well. This year was the best year for sure. I'm going to miss it. They should do this more often... or maybe not. But still... I'm going to miss it. Go RI! (: Next year we will win!

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A sincere congrats to Lost Desert!! Well played, all!!


A sincere THANKS FOR NOTHING to TNT for the cost of the Yooyu & paint brush in the prize shop...this has guaranteed that I shall NOT try this hard next year. Sorry to be grumpy, but seriously: the costs are RIDICULOUS compared to previous years :grrr: I really wanted a paint brush...4000 points short

:crying: :crying: :crying:

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*transmission interfered*




*transmission fixed*


Need to fix that for next year ;) Thanks to everyone who read our articles every day. :D


So here's the idea: They had a Pirate PB for KI winning last year, so next year they might have a Desert PB?! (Hopefully)

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Darn. I'm still going for Shenkuu next year. I was on Lost Desert last year. Why oh why did I change? Oh right, cause I like Ninjas.


Why do they give you an odd number of points like '3' at the end but the lowest price of a prize if 5 points? What's the point of that?


Got 12 items (1 a repeat cause of the odd number of points).

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WOOHOO! GO LD! :D At the time I joined Lost Desert, I did it because I liked the world. (Pyramids is my favorite game in all of Neopia.) I didn't know I'd joined such a strong team, but I'm so glad I did. Yeah! *dances victory dance* *realizes there are people watching, and stops*


Even though it's unlikely for a team to win two years in a row, I plan to stick with LD. It's still my favorite world. No need to change. :)


Thanks to everyone who read our articles every day. :D

You're welcome! ;) Thanks for writing them.

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So do I. I have been with Lost Desert because it's my favorite land. I joined in ACIII, not knowing anything about it. I was sure happy I picked that team! LOL

The commentaries were some of the best parts of this AC, and I look forward to applying next year.


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Darn. I'm still going for Shenkuu next year. I was on Lost Desert last year. Why oh why did I change? Oh right, cause I like Ninjas.


Why do they give you an odd number of points like '3' at the end but the lowest price of a prize if 5 points? What's the point of that?


Got 12 items (1 a repeat cause of the odd number of points).

you switched because you wanted a gold trophy. you thought shenkuu was going to win.

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you switched because you wanted a gold trophy. you thought shenkuu was going to win.

Maybe. I like Shenkuu though. Awesome land. I just went with Lost Desert cause of the players they had. :lol:

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Whoot! This means I have two winners trophies (DC and LD) and all from closing my eyes and pointing at the map!!! I've got all three of the plushies for my gallery and a load of other random stuff...I couldn't believe it when I saw the Yooyuball plushie was selling for over 1m, not selling though!


you switched because you wanted a gold trophy. you thought shenkuu was going to win.


People don't necessarily switch because of that; particularly as from what I've heard on here LD has always been a strong team with a high chance of winning the cup. Don't be so judgemental.

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i think shenku next year



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