Spritzie Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 I was meaning to watch that, but my parents said it was mind-numbingly confusing. Did you have that problem, or was it just them? I don't mind confusing plots, just as long as it's coherent as well. :) I was completely confused in the beginning, but thankfully, my husband caught on to what was going immediately, so I understood it a lot sooner than if I'd been watching it on my own. But even if you don't understand in the beginning, it gets explained and you figure it out before too long. Quote
Quark Posted December 14, 2010 Author Posted December 14, 2010 I'm pretty sure that I'm getting Inception for Christmas, which is exciting. I can finally catch up to what my friends are talking about, haha. Watched The Snowman to get into a Christmassy mood. Without fail, that movie always makes me sob. As a little kid, I used to rent it from the library even in the dogdays of summer and bawl my eyes out. (And every time my mom would swear that I couldn't take it out again because it made me too upset.) I love the fact that Davie Bowie introduces the movie, which wasn't on the VHS that I always watched as a kid, so I was pleasantly surprised to see him pop up. This song is nothing without the rest of the movie, but you can all appreciate a gorgeous song and art to die for. <3 Excuse me, I'll be in the heap of tissues crying exactly as I did over a decade ago! Quote
SlightlyCautious Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 Watched Meet Me In St.Louis for the first time last night, and thought it was okay. Watched Some Like It Hot for the thousandth time today and loved it even more. Quote
stephiime Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 I was completely confused in the beginning, but thankfully, my husband caught on to what was going immediately, so I understood it a lot sooner than if I'd been watching it on my own. But even if you don't understand in the beginning, it gets explained and you figure it out before too long. inception was pretty amazing!!! i love all leonardo di caprio movies ahah xD Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 The Polar Express This is a good film that has spectacular animation, a heartwarming story, and a fun journey to the North Pole. It shows you that if you really believe, you will........do something...... Anyway, there is one problem I have. The main theme song Believe is good, but they replay the instrumental of it several times to the point that you get sick and tired of hearing it. Then you notice that you are only 30 minutes in. It's a good film. Once again, there isn't much to be said about it. They don't even name the main characters, but mostly because it wasn't the point, and it's so you can expand your imagination and name the, whatever you want, with the exception being The Conductor. I don't know if it'll stand the test of time, like other Christmas classics did. We can only wait and find out. The Polar Express gets a 7.8/10. Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension: The Rise Of Darkrai. 3/10 That's all that needs to be said about it. Quote
Wembly Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 I don't know what it is about the Polar Express but I just can't seem to get into that movie. The book was cute to read to my brother when he was younger but I just feel like it drags on. But since it's Christmas time and I'm sick, that means I have watched a billion tv Christmas movies in the last week or so. The ones I've watched yesterday were The Christmas Blessing with Neil Patrick Haris and the newest ABC Family movie Christmas Cupid. Neither of which were good but none the less, I watched them in their entirety because I'm addicted to Christmas movies :whistle: Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 I swear I heard about Christmas Cupid last year. Quote
Wembly Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 Maybe, they're not that unique with Christmas movie titles and quite frankly the plot was not all the original either. The TV said it was new this year but who knows. Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 Odds are that they showed it last year and are trying to place it new again. Quote
rugrat0ne Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 I just watched "The Sorcerer's Apprentice". I enjoyed it, much more than I thought I would. It was very funny. Best part was when I made fun of a line to my friend, and a character in the movie turned around and said the exact same thing. Quote
Quark Posted December 14, 2010 Author Posted December 14, 2010 I don't know what it is about the Polar Express but I just can't seem to get into that movie. The book was cute to read to my brother when he was younger but I just feel like it drags on. But since it's Christmas time and I'm sick, that means I have watched a billion tv Christmas movies in the last week or so. The ones I've watched yesterday were The Christmas Blessing with Neil Patrick Haris and the newest ABC Family movie Christmas Cupid. Neither of which were good but none the less, I watched them in their entirety because I'm addicted to Christmas movies :whistle: Neil Patrick Harris?! Do go on! <3 Watched The Grinch, the cartoon of course. I despise the Jim Carry version with SUCH venom. Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 The original Grinch cartoon is great, legendary in my book. The film is crap. Jim Carrey is one of my favorite actors, but the film is just horrible. Just for the sake of reviewing it, I'm going to see it later tonight (yay for 25 Days of Christmas). Quote
Quark Posted December 15, 2010 Author Posted December 15, 2010 Oh man, you're watching it willingly? Haha, I'd have to be strapped down to view that monstrosity again. Even worse is that I actually own it on DVD. I don't remember who bought it or why or when, but unless it was free it was a waste of money. (What is WITH that scene where he gets a razor from his classmates? The Grinch attended Who school? What is this? What are you doing to my childhood?) Tony the Tiger's voice sings the song in The Grinch cartoon by the way. Which is wonderful. :) Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Yup I'm gonna watch it willingly. I'm kinda like the Angry Video Game Nerd and the Nostalgia Critic, I willingly watch bad movies and play horrible video games just for the sake of reviewing and making fun of them. I don't have it on DVD. I rented it from Neflix once, and that's it. I'm currently watching it now. Quote
Quark Posted December 15, 2010 Author Posted December 15, 2010 Good luck good sir! I salute thee! (Oh man, the Nostalgic Critic should totally do an Old vs. New of The Grinch. Not that it wouldn't have a clear victor. I just want to see him bash Jim Carrey. :P That and I may or may not have a slight crush on him, shhhh.) Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 How can he do that when the original Grinch is only half an hour, which doesn't count as a movie? I'm watching it now. Quote
Quark Posted December 21, 2010 Author Posted December 21, 2010 Had Beauty and the Beast on the in the background while I did some reading. I don't remember Belle's voice acting being so AWFUL when I was a kid. In general, the whole movie just rubbed me the wrong way. Sigh, I guess childhood is officially over. Still loved Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts though. Great Scott, Mrs. Potts! Quote
Guest kxjenn Posted December 21, 2010 Posted December 21, 2010 Watched TANGLED in 3D :) LOVED the movie. it was so cute and I love the soundtrack! you can never be too old for cute cartoons <3 Quote
Sofa Posted December 21, 2010 Posted December 21, 2010 I watched 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' for the first time on DVD at the weekend. I hadn't expected to like it for some reason, but it was pretty good, some of the songs/music especially! I guess that's a good thing about DVDs, you get to watch stuff that you probably wouldn't have bothered to go see in the cinema. Quote
jesse_rocket Posted December 23, 2010 Posted December 23, 2010 I've been watching a lot of really bad made for TV/straight to DVD Christmas movies lately. There's a channel here running Christmas movies 24 hours a day of the whole of December. The movies are REALLY bad, soooo cheesy, low-budget, poorly-acted and full of lame messages of "the true meaning of Christmas" and "saving Christmas!" and "turning into Santa". The one I watched last night when I couldn't sleep was like Groundhog Day, but festive! I think I'm addicted to them. I can't stop watching these terrible movies. :D I don't know what I'll do when December's over. I plan to watch Nightmare Before Christmas tomorrow, though. It's become somewhat a tradition for me, to watch on Christmas Eve <3 Quote
Wembly Posted December 23, 2010 Posted December 23, 2010 Guilty :guiltysmiley: I love made for tv movies too. I've been watching all the ones on ABCfamily and hulu. Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted December 23, 2010 Posted December 23, 2010 Happy Feet NOTE: I'm going to do my best not to make this a bias review, even though Elijah Wood is one of my favorite voice actors, E.G. Daily (whom plays young Mumble) also played Tommy in Rugrats, one of my favorite animated shows, the fact that is somewhat of a musical, which I hate so much, and the fact that penguins are better than polar bears. :P First off, let me note that I'm not a fan of musicals. I hate them to be exact. So it's not a surprise that I eventually get sick and tired of all the singing, and the fact that several times the same song is repeated. But once you get over that fact, this is a fantastic movie with amazing voice acting, great animation, and every corny element that makes an animated film fun to watch no matter what age you are. I must also mention how they had 2 different messages, and unlike most films, they manage to nail them both, nearly making it an educational film. It makes the the cliche "be yourself and break away from the norm" message, and does best to make it work. But I think the better message is how humans are effecting the ecosystem, when they mention a food shortage, trash in the oceans, and the fact that humans are simply ruining everyone's lives. :P It opens the eyes of many and shows what we are doing to the world and the only animals the reside on the planet. And it drives the plot to new heights. Happy Feet contains some of the best animation I've ever seen, and it has the best animation I've ever seen that isn't from Pixar or Dreamworks, besting out even most of their films. At one point in the film, it even uses actual human actors, and mixes them along with the animation seen in the majority of the film, making a sucessful combination. Overall, this is a great film that also happens to be a guilty pleasure. It's those kind of movies that you feel like you're suppose to hate when you get older, but you can't help but love. And that is the case for me. It's one of my favorite animated movies, and it would've gotten a higher score if is wasn't for them repeating songs, and relying so much upon them. Happy Feet gets a 9/10, the highest score that I have ever given an animated movie. It's a shame that Brittany Murphy passed away, and that she cannot reprise her role as Gloria in the sequel which has a release date of November 18th 2011, especially since she did very well as the character. But what makes it worse is the fact that they hired P!nk to replace her, already gives a bad impression in my opinion. Must I also mention that the film is obviously going to be in 3D? I can't wait for the sequel, but at the same time I'm dreading P!nk and Brad Pitt, and I have a feeling that nobody, not Elijah Wood, not Robin Williams, not even Hank Azaria (forgot to mention him) will be able to save us from their almost garenteed horrible voice acting. Quote
selusa Posted December 23, 2010 Posted December 23, 2010 Man, I loved Happy Feet for the premise alone (dancing, singing penguins? Sign me up). I just watched Knight and Day last night. Despite me being iffy on Tom Cruise and his whole "crazy as a slavering tree frog" bit, he was pretty good in this movie (especially, it has to be said, when he's doing one of his shirtless scenes, because I am heinously shallow). I mean, he was utterly crazy in this movie, but it fit his character and made him sort of charming. Cameron Diaz was her usual adorable self (loved her since There's Something About Mary), and the action scenes were ridiculous, unbelievable, and thus stupendous. I'd recommend if you're looking for a reasonably unpredictable action/romance thingy. Quote
graciex123 Posted December 24, 2010 Posted December 24, 2010 Tron was a good movie as well as Tangled! Disney has succeeded! It stood out! Quote
Awesome_Paul Posted December 26, 2010 Posted December 26, 2010 My Last film watched was "Scott pilgrim vs the world" I actually really liked this film, many companies try to make games into films but they usually end up crap (a few are okay). A few companies turns films into games, again these are usually crap and overrated (and again a few are okay). What has never been done before is throw out the changing one into the other, and turn the film into a game whilst in the film xD, because of this, the graphics was taken to the next level with the incorporation of video games. The story isn't as good as the entire film, boy meets girl, then must fight the seven evil ex's. Never been done before, but with any other film it wouldn't work. Final verdict : 8.5/10 Great entertainment film! Quote
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