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I finally saw How to Train a Dragon last night. I must say, that is one of the cutest movies I have seen in a long time. It was completely adorable.


I felt that it wasn't cute, nor was it funny. But the action it had made up for all of it's flaws. One of the best animated movies I've any seen. I made a review of it. Look through the General Chat forum for it. I'll guess it's at page 5.

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I finally watched the Nightmare on Elm Street remake, since it FINALLY came out on redbox!


Though I am an 80s kid, and have seen all of the originals like 43867 times, I kinda liked the remake.

Okay, I really liked it.


I saw Harry Potter 7 Last night! It was AMAZING! Too bad we gotta wait to find out what happens... :crying:


I watched Battle for Terra the other night. It's basically an anime version of Avatar. (The story line is quite similar) It wasn't nearly as exciting, but it wasn't bad.


I saw a really creepy movie from the late '70s called Sybil I believe


You should read the book! Fascinating stuff. MPD is a subject I am extremely interested in.


Coincidentally, last night I watched Session 9.


I saw a movie from the late 90's called Contact. It was pretty good. Bout one girl, who grows up to find life exists elsewhere and deciphering the codes and mysteries they send the US/world.


I liked it at least :P


I saw a movie from the late 90's called Contact. It was pretty good. Bout one girl, who grows up to find life exists elsewhere and deciphering the codes and mysteries they send the US/world.


I liked it at least :P

I highly suggest the book by Carl Sagan. I know, I know, I'm one of those people that always say the book is better, but it is. By a LONG shot. :)


I watched the Princess Bride for the umpteenth time because I was dreadfully sick on Thanksgiving and needed something to cheer me up.


The last movie I watched was Dead Snow. It's about Nazi Zombies, and it's foreign. It was hilarious, except it was much too graphic for my poor tummy. I had to close my eyes for the parts where they were ripping out intestines.


Last movie I saw was... Dispicable Me?!? It was in July. :P


I loved that movie! It was adorable and incredibly funny. I just watched Toy Story 3 for a second time. Amazing! Probably the only set of movies where each sequel is just as good, if not better than, the one before it. I just hope they stop at three.


And has anyone seen Tangled? (Huh, I seem to only have watched kids movies recently...) I thought it was wonderful. I was afraid that all the funny parts were in the previews, but not so! It's light hearted, very funny, and has a couple of great songs. One of those songs actually reminded me of the Camelot song in Monty Python's Holy Grail...


Last movie I watched was a korean movie, Dasepo naughty girls... It was really bizarre :O


Last night I watched The Longest Yard. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. :D


Which one? The 70s version or the 2005 remake with Adam Sandler. I like the remake more.


but i'm so looking forward to Tangled haha!


To me Tangled looks like Disney's sad attempt at Dreamworks' comedy. It's going to suck.


To me Tangled looks like Disney's sad attempt at Dreamworks' comedy. It's going to suck.

I'm sad that it's CGI instead of the 2D animation that they were originally going for. Eh, my last bits of faith in Disney has died a long time ago.

Had Stand by Me on in the background today as I worked on a paper. That train part always scares me, no matter how many times I see it.


The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause.


There really isn't much to say about this particular film. The third film in the Santa Clause trilogy is also the worst. Martian Short was a nice addition, there are nice special effects, and the plot is good on paper, but none of it helps the film at all. The entire base of it's humor is off of slapstick, and it does a god-awful job at it, resulting in a poor film altogether. And while the plot could've been good, the film didn't use it to the full potential, depending on the poor humor to make progress. Even at only an hour and a half, it seemed to drag itself on to the point that it's too long.


Santa Clause 3 gets a 4.5/10.


Just spent last night avoiding my staff Christmas party and watching all 3 parts of Back to the Future, which is my absolute favorite movie of all time (at least, it's tied for first with The 10th Kingdom). I lovelovelove how ridiculous and horrifying their version of 2015 is, like a really tasty cake that you want to eat but can't because the icing is simply too terrible.

Best lines: "1.21 JIGAWATTS!" and "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads."


We watched Inception the other night. I must say, it was an extremely good movie. The plot was really interesting and the ending was as well. It really got you thinking.

We watched Inception the other night. I must say, it was an extremely good movie. The plot was really interesting and the ending was as well. It really got you thinking.


I was meaning to watch that, but my parents said it was mind-numbingly confusing. Did you have that problem, or was it just them? I don't mind confusing plots, just as long as it's coherent as well. :)

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