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Watched Un Chien Andalou again because my friend had never seen it.

That movie is seriously fun to watch other people watch. Their expressions will range from horror to bewilderment in 2.5 seconds. ;)


not movie as such


but just finished six feet under again -absolutely brilliant ..but quite dark


last movie was probably pan's labyrinth, can never tire from it


I saw The Last Airbender on Friday. Yeah there were changes, yeah the actors/actresses were largely unknown and were poor at delivering their lines. I still enjoyed myself. Probably cause I was somehow able to divorce the movie from the show.


However, it's harder for me to do that with Books to Movies adaptations so I haven't seen any movies past Goblet of Fire thanks to Dumbledore being too darn loud and angry.


I am very hesitant about watching The Last Airbender because I loved the show and the trailer destroyed my images of all the characters :(.

I can't stand movie adaptations that change the character so much that it is incompatible with my image of them.


The last movie I watched was Casino Royale, it was pretty good.


Last night my husband and I watched Clash of the Titans. I thought it was good, though they took a few liberties with actual Greek Mythology.


What amused me the most, there were gods and goddess that were never seen but from a good distance. We read the credits... I swear they closed their eyes and pointed with their fingers to pick the actors for them.


But good. Cool visual effects.


Just watched Ponyo and Alice in Wonderland.

Ponyo was great, the visuals were stunning and I loved the Devonian fish the BEST. They were HUGE and lovely. I loved all the colors and really want to draw something as eye-popping as that movie was. And it totally beats Disney's Little Mermaid in "fish wants to be human" stories.


Alice in Wonderland...well I really wanted to like it, and that was the problem. Parts of it were fun and if nothing else, it was pretty to look at. (Very detailed costuming and the CGI was spot on.) But it was predictable and kind of corny. I felt like they were shoving Lewis Carrol references in your face EVERYWHERE just to say, "Haha, look, we read his books and poetry, aren't we smart?" But it fell flat. Meh. :(


Last night my husband and I watched Clash of the Titans. I thought it was good, though they took a few liberties with actual Greek Mythology.


What amused me the most, there were gods and goddess that were never seen but from a good distance. We read the credits... I swear they closed their eyes and pointed with their fingers to pick the actors for them.


But good. Cool visual effects.


I've wanted to see Clash of the Titans for the longest now. Since it's coming on DVD soon, I must ask. Is it worth a rent, or a straight up buy?


I've wanted to see Clash of the Titans for the longest now. Since it's coming on DVD soon, I must ask. Is it worth a rent, or a straight up buy?


We'll probably end up buying it, and we rarely buy DVDs. But I love Greek Mythology and it was done well. Nothing was too weird. And people that aren't familiar with the details of the actual myths, won't be bothered by the slight changes.


But I definitely think it was great. My husband is a tiny bit more critical, but he still really liked it as well.


Spirited Away. Ahh what a beautiful movie. One of my all-time favorites for sure.


I havent seen it yet, but I am going to see Dinner For Schumcks with my friends opening day :P


my Last Movie Watched was last night I wacthed walle

Awww, yay, Wall-E is one of my favorite movies evvvvver. I have a little figure of him sitting next to my computer right now.

Watched Inglourious Basterds again as background noise, because I pretty much know that movie by heart. Shoshanna and Donny are flippin' hardcore.


I saw Up last night over at my buddy's house. It was really good. b)


I just watched the Bounty Hunter a few minutes ago. I thought it was pretty good, but that may just be because I'm the biggest Jennifer Aniston ever.


The Bounty Hunter was amazing!! I loved that movie :P


I saw Inception this afternoon. Certainly... odd. But I dont wanna ruin it for anyone ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

I last watched Disney's Hercules... because it's AWESOME. Man, I have to watch Spirited Away again. That was a great movie.


I watched Inception a few hours ago 8D


It was so epic that idek o_____________o I was freaking out in the movie theatre every time something epic happened @_@


Kick-A** (Not sure if I'm allowed to say that. :D)

It was great. Hilarious, and overdramatic. Nicholas Cage impressed me. Normally I strongly dislike him. :D But it wasn't his usual typecast role. I really liked it.




OMG awesome movie. I thought Bruce Willis did a great job being the drag of the movie again, and so glad Tracy was all up in that. Tracy's first bad cop scene was the best. EPIC :laughingsmiley:


I saw Inception a few weeks ago. I don't often go to see movies in theatres anymore, because most of them just aren't worth it. There's so much crap out there nowadays, but when one looks good enough I'll go. Inception was definitely worth it. Anyone else see it?


EDIT: Oops sorry merody, didn't see your post :D I loved the entire thing, everything about it. You?

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