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Metroid shot a quick glance at Anime and then at the lake, grinning. "So water you trying to say? That I got lost again? Hmm.... sounds like a hidden message."

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"Oh God." anime said, rubbing her temples. "Say another pun and you'll be turned into ash again. Or worse, I'll use this potion on you to shut you up forever."


"Being turned into ash doesn't feel that great. It sorta make me feel like a pile of rubbish" Metroid said quickly as he skimmed through a book called "Complete Idiots Guide to Puns."


"All right, that's it!" anime said, sending her energy beam and Metroid, and turing him into a pile of ash. She then poured the potion on him to keep him quite.


Morgan grabbed some popcorn and watched the two bicker back and forth. "This is amusing. Hey Metroid! Keep doing the puns! Yay!" She quickly shut herself up. Idiot! You gave away your position! Morgan snuck away and hid behind a tree, slowly making her way across the lake. Now's the time to put my plan into action. Anime will never suspect it! Morgan inched behind anime and surpressed a giggle.


Metroid stayed motionless as he kept quiet. "I could entertain myself by saying puns in my head, but Anime will most likely figure out that I am." he thought. "I'm not going back to see Dr. Mario again. 300,000 dollars.... pft..."


"I can take you to Dr. Mario if you want..." anime said.


Morgan tackled anime to the ground. "We meet again, anime! After so many long years! You will finally fall to me! I shall-*cough cough* Oh, terribly sorry. I've got a bad cough that I can't get rid of." She turned to Metroid. "Hey pile of ash, do you have any cough drops?"


Metroid struggled to say some words. "I....don't...know. How....about...you...ash...me...later..." Metroid stayed silent afterwards, knowing that Anime will cause him harm.


Anime shot him a 'I'll deal with you in a minute' look. "hey cutie. I saw you a minute ago." she said to Morgan.


"Oh well. Where was I? Oh yes, prepare to be amazed at my awesome chao power!" *fart* "Oh dear." Morgan picked anime up, then dropped her. So she rolled her toward the wet water. "Haha! What will you do now? Nothing can save you from the wetness of the lake!"


Anime simply stood up on the gentle slope and walked back up. "Wow. Strong Chao. I've never seen one so strong. And water is fine with me." she said to Morgan.


Morgan's dot on her head turned into a question mark. I guess it's time for Plan C. "Okay, since my first two plans have failed, I'll just have to recruit someone to help me eliminate you!" She looked at Metroid and shook her head. "You are too easily scorched. I need someone who is bigger and more powerful than space aliens." Morgan started to fly away, then fell again. She grumbled a little then walked away from the group.


"Wow. SHe's so cute! Now, back to you..." anime said, grinning evily at Metroid.


Is it okay to join in?


Character: Zac the Yoshi

Comics so far: Coming soon...so I've been told

Mission: Try to stop falling in holes and getting pulled out by Anime

Description: A green yoshi who loves his pet rock, Jack and can run really really fast! :P


Morgan did a little spitting motion, then turned back around. "What a fool that girl is! Doesn't she know that I am capable of possessing unique powers!" Not looking where she was going, Morgan bumped into Mia and fell down. Due to instinct, Morgan started crying and couldn't stop herself from doing it.


*pops out of egg* "That was weird..." anime said "I do feel nice and claen now though... *shrugs*


Morgan regained control of herself and watched in amazement as Zac turned anime into an egg. "That was so cool! You're hired. Now, anime is always commenting on how cute I am, while I'm trying to take her down. It can get really annoying, you know? So I'm thinking you could knock some sense into her, get her to fear me and all. Go on, go out there and do your stuff!" Morgan pushed Zac toward anime.


*Falls into hole and regenerates*



PS:I cannot believe you forgot about me when making this.....I'm obivously the star:P


Anime looks at Morgan and Zac going nuts. "Aw! They're both so cute playing like that!" she cooed.


*puts up energy sheild* "Wow. I've always loved that attack." anime said.


Morgan jumped on Zac's back. "Go, Zac, go! Teach anime a lesson!" She turned toward her. "You will never win, anime! I'll come on top in the end!"

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