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"Ergh, what is with this? These posts like dog-piling me. I turn my back for two days to do my homewrok AND LOOK!!!"

shouted Mia with disgust as she once again pulled dirty gym socks off her face. This time they were embroidered with a name...


Mia read it." Oh god.... AA that's disgusting! How long have you ahd these on?"

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"Hey Metroid!" AA yelled, "Come here and help me with this new horse-powered doomsday device!"

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"You too Mia! Together, we shall rule the world! Muahahaha!" Right on cue, a bolt of lightning shot through the sky, providing the perfect background for AA's evil laugh.

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AA gave Luna a weird look, then invited her to join them in their quest for world domination.

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AA lugged the equipment over to Metroid. "So where shall we set up the doomsday systems? It can't be on Earth, since it'd be destroyed there, but we can't move it too far, because it's way too heavy."

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"Mia continued to dance, unaware that the scene had completely changed.

She turned around and saw a table.


"Yay! A table!" shouted Mia excitedly.


She then ran over to it and carfull yclimbed on top, as though she were a small child trying to mount a VERY LARGE horsie.


She sat there for a moment then a smile broke out on her face. Once again, she was dancing.

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Princess Ruto stole the pretzels and weaved them into a Metroid-catching machine. "Metroid, can you help me? I have a knot in my AA-catching device."

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AA, while everybody else was entertaining themselves, was busy back on earth launching nuclear missiles at all the key political locations on the planet.

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AA3 got up dizzily, and found himself in the Pentagon. A bunch of guards were just noticing him. He was about to teleport out when the nuclear missile hit.

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AA hit AA3's emergency teleport and delayed the nuclear missile's detonation for a few seconds. Meanwhile, his other targets were being demolished by the nukes. He had also targeted a few random dairy farms for good measure.

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AA3 heard a beeping sound at his belt. He looked at it. It read: WARNING! EMERGENCY TELEPORT FAILED! Then he was shot at by the guards, who had regained their composure after hearing the missile hit. Though the bullets missed, the nuclear missile's delay ended and it exploded.

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