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Princess Ruto sprayed the meepits, but seeing as how they wouldn't go away, she materialized a wave that washed them away from her. "Stupid cheap bogus cans. Can't trust any store to get the real deal."

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The decoy meepit attack wave was washed away by Ruto as planned, while the snipers managed to get her in their sights.


Meanwhile, AA and the elite meepit squads cleared away the ravens. "Come on employee AA3, let's get to the battle and the profits!"

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AA3, who had managed to break through the flock without getting scratched, was faced with the ordeal of going back in again through a new flock that was angry at their brethren's death. He charged once again and promptly had his eyes pecked out.

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The meepits, being meepits, ignored the cookies and continued to battle Ruto. Meanwhile, AA walked over to the cookies, disarmed the traps, and added them to his poisoned cookie collection. Additionally, the special mix (disguised as meepit-be-gone) which Ruto had sprayed over the meepits mutated them into 7-foot-tall anti-Ruto meepits.

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AA grinned evilly, activated his teleporter, and promptly arrived at Ruto's now-conquered kingdom.

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AA3 spontaneously recovered and searched for his teleporter. He looked up to see a meepit zapping randomly around the place and groaned.

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Princess Ruto stopped by the flora kingdom, only to find it destroyed. "Oh gee, that's too bad. Queen Flora always gave me flowers when I needed them. I guess she'll fix this, though."

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AA prepared the meepit squads for combat, awaiting Ruto's arrival. "Y'know, I'm glad we destroyed that place with all the flowers on our way here. It was irritating me." he said to one of the meepits.

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AA3 managed to get his teleporter back and materialized in front of the kingdom. One of the guards asked him something in a foreign language. He said, "Sorry, I don't speak gibberish," and was promptly arrested for his insolence.

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AA, seeing AA3 get arrested, blasted the guards from a distance with a sniper rifle, then sent meepit squads to finish off the rebels while bringing AA3 into the command tent.

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"What are you doing here?" asked AA3. "I came here so that I could buy a few flowers, but apparently this is the wrong place."

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"Oh don't worry." said AA, "We couldn't be bothered burning all the flowers, so we dumped them in the back. You can grab a few if you want."

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AA wrinkled his nose and turned back to the planning table. "Any idea where Metroid is?" he asked his radar officer.

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AA3 decided on a method of selection. When he burst out of the pile, all the flowers that landed on the table he would pick. He did so, and all of the flowers missed the table, hitting AA instead.

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AA looked at the flowers, glared at AA3, and got back to work. The flowers had given him a great idea for his next doomsday device.

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AA3 forgot about the flowers when he collided with a meepit that had just come in. It meeped and pointed its ray gun threateningly.

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Amidst all the chaos, AA was sitting calmly in the supplies room assembling his next dastardly invention...

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