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Technically you don't need any clicks, it just speeds things up. What you do need is a good number of views and unique views, which, like Ally said, is different for each eggie. If your egg or hatchlings gets below 3.0 days and isn't cracking/growing you can post them at the ER at http://www.thedcfansite.com/


HOWEVER, the site gets a lot of views, especially now that DDF is down. Keep an eye on the dragons you post to make sure they don't get too many clicks in a short time. If it says they are sick, fog them immediately and they will be removed. It's a great place for stubborn eggies, both my own and when I want to help other people - I try to visit once or twice a day and click everyone in the ER. Hope this helps!


I'm confused, so is there an amount of clicks needed for it to hatch? @.@;
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I'm confused, so is there an amount of clicks needed for it to hatch? @.@;

No, eggs can hatch with no clicks at all.

You probably need more views and unique views. Clicks will help, but you don't absolutely need them.

Have you tried the DC fansite's emergency room? Any eggs/hatchlings with less than 3.0 days can be added there.

Here's a link: http://www.thedcfansite.com/emergency.php


EDIT: I didn't realize elvenscythe said almost the exact same thing just above :P Sorry

&, I got another autumn: sHuj.gif

If anyone wants one, let me know - I have 2 extra from breeding

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3 of my eggs got softshell, so I had to hide them. My chicken and autumn grow up tomorrow, and my alt black gendered, and my 2 other eggs have huge holes and I think they hatch tomorrow. So, yah, good news. :wub_anim:

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nah, i can get one. :)


in fact, i just did!




Also, i accidentally picked up this one:


I'm going to abandon it, if you want me to plan with me when to drop it i will

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Woo, Charlie Brown xD I have a recorded tape of it xP Wow, the store opened. I almost clicked the "Logout" button, thinking it was the "Scroll" button o_O The store merchandice is kind of...nerdy? xD Sadly, I wouldn't wear any of them =/ Ugh, I've been trying my luck at getting an Autumn egg, but no luck -_- I also missed 2 Silver hatchlings :grrr: not my day, I guess. It's never my day -_-


EDIT: Holy Batman Muffins! *Rises Autumn egg* eKtk.gif Thank you internet.

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aw... *patts head* it's ok. you'll get one. Heck, i got one on accident! i was a little click happy for a moment & didn't realized that i had clicked till it gave me the code...


EDIT: anyway, got to go for to-day! tis 6:30 pm here, and i need to play SIMS now if i want enough time to realy do anything before bed. See yall later!

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it is different for every egg :graduated:


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Oh, okay.


Technically you don't need any clicks, it just speeds things up. What you do need is a good number of views and unique views, which, like Ally said, is different for each eggie. If your egg or hatchlings gets below 3.0 days and isn't cracking/growing you can post them at the ER at http://www.thedcfansite.com/


HOWEVER, the site gets a lot of views, especially now that DDF is down. Keep an eye on the dragons you post to make sure they don't get too many clicks in a short time. If it says they are sick, fog them immediately and they will be removed. It's a great place for stubborn eggies, both my own and when I want to help other people - I try to visit once or twice a day and click everyone in the ER. Hope this helps!

It does. XD; I'm kinda surprised and mostly they're unique views, it's just that I don't get what the clicks are for, how you get them, and why it's so few. :/ -shrugs-


So if you get a lot of clicks in a short time they may get sick? And what do you mean by "fog them"? @@;


No, eggs can hatch with no clicks at all.

You probably need more views and unique views. Clicks will help, but you don't absolutely need them.

Have you tried the DC fansite's emergency room? Any eggs/hatchlings with less than 3.0 days can be added there.

Here's a link: http://www.thedcfansite.com/emergency.php


EDIT: I didn't realize elvenscythe said almost the exact same thing just above :P Sorry

&, I got another autumn: sHuj.gif

If anyone wants one, let me know - I have 2 extra from breeding

Thanks for the info though! :]

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Oh... so it just hides it so people can't view it?

Can you make it go back to normal later after doing this?


Be kinda pointless if you couldn't. Just go to the actions page again and pick unhide.

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Finally, DDF is back! I was going to attack someone if it didn't xP And I'm still celebrating about that Autumn egg I got xD The only think better that can happen today is if I got a Dino egg ^_^ Eww, the Abandoned page is flooded with Vine Eggs D: What's with people not liking them? I would adopt a lot so I can breed them all for a chance to get Alts. xD

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It's not that they don't likle them, it's that they're breeding them for alts and alllll the normal vine eggs get abandoned. Snag one or two and freeze them if you wanna help out.

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Tell me if you like this idea - the action 'set free', for adults. . . I've seen topics before like 'OMG MY SCROLL WAS BURNED FOR NO REASON' and they say they were only killing their dragons because there's no other way of getting rid of them... i know that those people are huge n00bs, but still. I think it would be cool that if, after a while, you could have the option of letting your dragons go free, possibly even having th4m randomly popping around the site afterwords, like those random events with those Chias on Neopets.

What do you think? Good, bad, or OK idea? plz say!



Dragon news:

*SQUEE* my autumn matured! it's a female! :D *very happy*

can't wait for them to turn to adults!

also, about that autumn egg, i think i'm going to keep it, but you can still PM me if you want it. ^_^



LOL i just saw one of my autumn eggs codes is 'upYa'

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Nice idea.


I decided to review a few Dragon Descriptions. I was suprised what people wrote. One was like,"Gender Please" and "Blaze Rocks". Ugh, peeps these days. But there were a few people who did follow all the Dragon Descriptions rules, thank goodness. Anyways, I also find out that 2 of my hatchlings are Males! Yay.

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