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Pound, Adopt or Trade Your Pets


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I have no idea if this is a popular pet or not, but today I zapped an Elderlyboy Acara. His name is Gandrick, and he has a Stealthy Noak (also zapped) attached. I am not sure how to include any links or pictures, sorry. Please let me know (either via PM here or a neomail) if you would like to adopt him! :)


Gandrick has found a new home! Thanks, Daeeuh!

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I have no idea if this is a popular pet or not, but today I zapped an Elderlyboy Acara. His name is Gandrick, and he has a Stealthy Noak (also zapped) attached. I am not sure how to include any links or pictures, sorry. Please let me know (either via PM here or a neomail) if you would like to adopt him!


Grenthine, I went ahead and added a picture of an Elderlyboy Acara for you. I hope you find him a home.



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Hi all! So I have the tragic "problem" of more FFQs than I know what to do with. I decided to use the one I got today to paint an Aisha alien, since it's a fairly rare and desirable pet and also one of my favorites. (I already have one myself.) The pet up for grabs goes by the name of Grenushol. Anyone want? Neomail me (nicoley13) if you do! Thanks!








Oh! But I can't transfer her for a week because I did just create her today.


Got a taker, more than one actually! Thanks all!


Another day another FFQ. See above for more background. My new Alien Aisha is a male named _Shinobu_. He could be better named but I adopted him from the pound this time because I didn't want to wait the week. First person to neomail me gets him. :)

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Name: loquatiousness

Age: 173 days old (4,155 hours)

He has a Disco Kadoatie attached (also zapped!)

Hit Points: 38 / 23

Strength: titanic
Defence: average
Movement: GREAT (21)
Intelligence: master genius (72)

Status: UFA

Gender: male

Contact: glowingluna

Requirements: a loving, caring home please :)

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CaThErInEs_A_nOoB / Male Shoyru, Age: 3,708 days, Level: 4 /Attached: Mazzew (329 days and 10 hours old)

Status: UFA (Up for adoption)

Contact: tmarker on Neo or PM here

Requirements: None - I used this pet for avi and wanted to share / This pet is on my side account and I will be able to transfer to you on October 1st, or you can take a chance on the pound pick-up.2.png



This Shoyru is UFA again. Would like to pass this avvie pet along to another TDN member. :)

Lvl 2 now, I zapped him a few times.


Pound Transfers only, my account is not old enough for transfer.


NM daeeuh

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Pka_XD / Yellow Kacheek / Level 3 / Attached, Aged Snicklebeast


Status - UFA (Up for Adoption)

Contact: tmarker on Neo or PM here

Requirements: None - I used this pet for the avi's and wanted to share / The pet is on my side account and will be able to transfer on October 1st, or if you'd like o take a chance on pound pick-up, I'm willing to do that as well.




Update - mariaelise was able to snag them from the pound for the avis - Yeah!!

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So...probably a long shot...but does anyone have a cybunny? I've wanted one for AGES (like...since I started...) And what are you looking for in return?


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Merser the Halloween Lupe (clothed)


Mapith the Maraquan Grarrl

MoMD the Cloud JubJub (acronym: Master of My Domain)

Talerik the Wraith Scorchio

Lipstik the Elderly Aisha (clothed) (RW Misspell)


Floffy_Chan the Chocolate Xweetok

Sybias the Strawberry Kougra

Valanaryn the Chocolate Peophin


Chisal the Grey Xweetok (RW misspell Chisel)

Jenaele the Desert Ruki (clothed)

Kunico the Green Ogrin ( RW? Kunicon was a series of anime conventions)

Tuples the Darigan Shoyru (RW A tuple is an ordered list of elements)


Starelli the Robot Elephante (clothed)

Chrika the Halloween Kiko (clothed)


Contact my main (kaiserbakura) if you want to trade

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Choqcko the Maraquan Yurble is UFA!




Level: 1

HP: 31

Strength: 19

Defence: 7

Movement: 15


He's currently a boy, but I can fight the lab scientist to change his gender if you wish. Message me here or neomail me at laetasha if you're interested!


Found a new home! :)

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Cazkey the Faerie Gnorbu is UFA. Will continue to zap so PM as soon as you can if you're interested


Species: Gnorbu

Colour: Faerie

Gender: Male

Age: 2,650 days

Level: 1

Health: 64 / 58

Mood: content

Hunger: bloated

Strength: very strong

Defence: tough

Move: average

Intelligence: dim witted

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I got a FFQ and after a relatively expensive item I was rewarded with access to the Rainbow pool. I'll use it for the Buzz avvie but as I'm not a Buzz fan at all, I'd like to paint a Buzz and give it to a new owner. So if someone would like to have a Buzz, feel free to PM or NM me to specify the colour :)

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Zyerael the Pineapple Chia




Well.. this certainly isn't the easiest decision but I've decided that its time to part with my Chia.. Need more space and not as attached to him anymore. Please either PM or NM if interested. Want him to go to a good home!



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avez_ the Red Eyrie

Age: 2,468 days old (59,249 hours)
Birthday: 9th January (Y10)
Level: 1
Gender: Male
Height: 169 cms.
Weight: 133 lbs.


You can see him here-



He will come with several food items, a few books, a toy, and a petpet.


Please adopt him! He has been in the pound for a long time and deserves a forever home.


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