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TDN Members - Let's rate each other's pets!

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Lady Kakata - 9/10! Love the theme, Moorlough looks so relaxed in her comfy surroundings and I love her fan and earring!


Here the the links to 2 of my pets


My Blumaroo - I know he has a crappy name, but he is a pound rescue, so not my fault!




My Gnorbu - again, a pound resuce.



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Mortesth - you skipped me twice. I would appreciate if it wasn't done again.


Please rate. :)



Sorry you were skipped. I'm new to the message boards and didn't look at older posts on the previous page. I just rated the first once I saw after I posted my pets.


Anyway, I give your pet a 3/10. I feel like the tree foreground is redundant. I think the color scheme could be better, too. Sorry :( Not a xwee fan XD Ignore my rating :P

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Psh, no problem, it's been done before. :)


[welcome, btw. It seems I managed to miss welcoming you! Sorry about that.]


If I ignored your rating, I wouldn't ask for it ;)


Can I ask what you would suggest?


I'd suggest something within the yellow/purple color scheme of the baby xweetok, personally. You could get the foreground to work with another background. Maybe the All About Neggs background, maybe Birthday in the Park Background... Something cute for a baby pet :)

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No one put a pet above my post. That's okay though.


Lippstik's stepping out to this thread with her all-new style right here:



You got any suggestions to make on how to improve the scenery, or any trinkets that would make my Poogle more loyal than ever? Feel free to help out! :yes:

*No NC stuff at the moment please.

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She's beautiful! :D


The little house is a bit out of place. For almost the first time, a background that's not scenery exact but really looks great.

Maybe a batter foreground.... like, um, I don't really know. (A faerie doll would be awesome here. :( )


BUT 9.5/10 :D

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I can't help feeling that the collar is a bit heavy around her throat, if that makes sense, but I think that's more personal preference than anything major. I also agree with sweetdang about the little house being slightly off. 9/10

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please keep in mind I don't have many backgrounds




Updated Asikai




I wish I could find skinny jeans for Karrmyne












The goal was to make Inkubites look as ridiculous as possible.

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I really like Asikai - kinda fits


I keep it very simple... not really into the customization.

Except for my buzz... I just got the glasses and thought that's it :D

the background because well..uhm ..buzzes ...fly around nature? or something like that



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hahaha your neopets are so cute!


Swempel: 7.5/10

Centaureon: 9/10 - Awesome name, and I love PEOPHINS, especially darigan ones... lovely!

Phoca: 10/10 - Super cool. I love the ghostly look and hallo unis are fab.


Labber: 8/10 - haha, too funny! he looks so rad.


Here is one of my pets on my side, his name is Jeassic and his petpet. :D



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Jeassic: 10/10


Wow, I absolutely love this @____@

The color and theme are really great, and his petpet matches too :D The only thing is that the mushroom (I think?) might not totally make sense.

It also kind of reminds me of Oblivion :D




I don't really have my pets that dressed up right now, but here's Tiberonth:




This... might possibly be some kind of Lady Gaga cosplay :O


I also had the idea to make some sort of battered wife costume using the new black eye item. I'm a terrible person XD

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  • 3 weeks later...








Yup. :rolleyes_anim:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tiberonth: 9.5 out of 10

The sole flaw of this pet is that Tiberonth's a male, hence all the feminine getup. Other than that, his customization is stunning!


billpika_x8: 6 out of 10

Being honest over here, your pet looks rather mismatched with all of his clothes. I've seen weirder, but the Pointy Gnome Hat is the only item that makes the most amount of sense with your pet's colour.


Aqua_493: 7 out of 10

The winter background doesn't go very well with the rest of this pet's customization. I'd suggest a more Haunted Woods-like scenery like the Haunted Trees Background, and you should be fine.


Lance_j8: 7 out of 10.

He's not perfect, but some of the party-themed stuff backs up your Shoyru's customization a little. Relic's not necessarily the best colour for a party-themed pet, more like something I'd see as a statue in someone's garden.


Amelia88818910: 8.5 out of 10

This is the only pet of your entire posse that has the most fashion sense. Her outfit's a bit too dark for a scenery as bright and happy like this, but everything else is fine.



Also, I decided to improve my Kiko's style, here she is:



I was going with a forest thief getup this time, but if there's any recommendations you'd like to throw in, I'm all ears! No NC stuff please. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, let's try mine:


My Baby Lutari, Meylir. The theme is slumber party :)



My sweetie IinDigoo.



& my chocolate delight, Xelynae.


The customization is pretty simple, mostly because these three colours are the most dificult to customize. And I pretty much prefer simple :) So bomb away!

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Urgh, I hate giving grades, so I'm going to leave that for the people after me. XD But I do want to say that less sometimes is more and it is certainly the case with these 3 beauties. I think they are very good!


And also wondering what you guys think of my draiky, Gunnslinger:




here's a ref pic for his character.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Valenshie: 7.5

Its nice!


Very Nice!!


Too lazy to give a 10 :P

Elische: 10!!!!!!!

WOW i really like some thief themed things and gangster themed things!

Edit: i dunno how to post image of the pet :(


But you can look on my char page!

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Kogku- I really like him, he's simple enough (I don't use NC because I can't afford it) but I really like him.



I think the eye cover makes him look more spyish- combined with the camouflage and then rocket boots!



My current lab rat :3 He's a disco kacheek.

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Kogku - 8.5/10 I really like the wreath-y thing, it suits him a lot!


Aqolien - 8/10 Love the spy mask, goes really well with the courgette field background


Chonwip - 9/10! He's so cute! I really like the disco Kacheek colours, reminds me of those fruit salad sweets I used to get.


ps your userlookup gets >9000/10 from me too ;)

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